T3 India – April 2019

(singke) #1

5G guide

48 T3 Tomorrow’s Technology Today APRIL 2019 WWW.T3INDIA.COM

But still, let’s look at the long term: the
unprecedented speed upgrade of 5G could
change the way we think about all of our
tech, and bring some massive consequences
for the development of basically everything
in the future. The same generation that once
spent five minutes loading a few kilobytes of
unreliable computer software from cassette
tapes could soon able to download an entire
4K movie to our phones in far less time.
We’ll be able to send messages between each
other, over the air, literally faster than your
eye can see.
It could be the enabler for tomorrow’s
transport network, made up of entirely
autonomous and seamlessly interconnected
cars and trucks. Sharing sensor and
mechanical status data between them, and
talking constantly to one another at super
high speed, future cars will be effectively
accident-proof, andthey’llbalancetheir

routing to avoid traffic for a more efficient
ride – something 4G doesn’t have the
muscle to keep up with efficiently. 5G’s
huge capacity could also take that
transport to the air, backing an intricately
piloted array of delivery drones
programmed to keep to the correct
airspace and not clonk into each other. A
Blade Runner-style flying car future
perhaps isn’t on the cards yet – 5G can’t do
anything about gravity, sadly – but it’s not
hard to see the impact it’ll have.
5G’s high capacity will also take the
notoriously bandwidth-heavy tech of VR
to the next level. Not only could it do away
with the wired tether that makes most VR
experiences awkward and restrictive, it
could also push the powerful PCs that have
traditionally been required for VR into
obsolescence, moving all that effort into

home to strap on a headset, provided you’re
in 5G range – and those autonomous vehicles
will know where you are should you wander
into the street. The low latency of 5G also
means VR should react to your movements
more precisely than ever before, eliminating
the potential for sea sickness caused by
today’s microscopic delay.
5G’s immense bandwidth could make a
huge difference when it comes to crowding.
If you’ve ever been to a concert or sports
game – or even visited a busy town centre

  • you’ll know the pain of having a
    supposedly full 4G signal yet absolutely
    atrocious (and possibly non-existent)
    data rates. Your local 4G tower, and the
    frequencies it uses, can only throw out
    so much data at one time. If everyone
    wants a slice of the pie, it needs to cut it
    infinitesimally thin; 5G masts will be far
    more numerous, and able to support many
    more simultaneous devices. Kit will be able
    to stay constantly connected. Smart devices
    won’t need to rely on Wi-Fi, and the smart
    home will move outwards – indeed, constant
    low-power networking could mean
    tomorrow’s smart devices do more than we
    can even imagine today.

We’ve barely scraped the surface as to the
sort of technology 5G could power, and there
are some who theorise that 5G could lead to
major change: the demise of local storage, the
death of home broadband, even the end of
the smart phone as we know it. There’s a lot
of sci-fi brainstorming out there, mainly
because a 5G future, one with unprecedented
connectivity and network speed, is so
exciting to imagine.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that
even though there’s a lot of potential, 5G is
still fluid. It’s yet to be proven, even in the 5G
previewsrunthusfar.Thetest installation


Source:Qualcomm network simulation

(TOP 90%)

5G 1,400Mbps

4G 71Mbps

4G 115ms 5G 4.9ms





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