Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1


Do You Really

Need A New Knee?

A recent study found that a third of the more
than 600,000 knee replacements done
a n n u a l l y i n t h e U S m a y n o t b e n e c e s s a r y.
Other research inds that more than
10 per cent of patients aren’t satisied
w i t h t h e r e s u l t s. “ Yo u n e e d t o h a v e
moderately advanced arthritis and to
have failed conservative care for total
knee replacement to be appropriate,” says
orthopedic surgeon Dr Nicholas DiNubile.
So before going under the knife (and
hammer and drill), ask yourself these
ive questions:

How bad is it?
People who are dissatisied after surgery
te n d t o h a v e h a d o n l y m i l d o r m o d e r a t e
pain, or no severe limitations on function,
beforehand. Your surgeon should be able to
see X-ray evidence of narrowed space in the
joint or bone-on-bone.

How strong are my quads?
Thigh muscles move and stabilise the joint,
so the bigger and stronger they are, the
more satisied you’ll likely be after surgery,
reports a study published in the Journal of
Orthopaedic Science.

How do I deal with pain?
People who ixate on pain or feel helpless
in the face of it can have trouble coping
with post-op discomfort and tend to be less
satisied with the results. If you are taking
narcotics or opioids, DiNubile strongly
advises making every efort to get of them
before surgery. You’ll have better pain relief
after surgery and a signiicantly better
s u r g i c a l o u t c o m e , h e s a y s.

A m I p r e p a r e d t o d o t h i s
again someday?
Prosthetic materials like titanium and
cobalt-chromium alloy still don’t have the
longevity of natural bone and soft tissue, so
switching out knees in your 50s and early
60s may mean needing a repeat procedure
i n a b o u t 2 0 y e a r s. T h a t ’s e s p e c i a l l y t r u e fo r
men, whose revision rates are signiicantly
higher than those of women – possibly
because we tend to resume strenuous
activities that injured us originally.

Have I tried everything else?
Don’t think of knee replacement as a
quick ix. Despite its popularity, keep in
mind that it’s still a major operation with
potential risks and extensive rehab.
–Laura Beil

What it is:
A sprain of the front-most of
two ligaments that cross
each other (hence cruciate)
inside the knee. A mild sprain
may stretch the ligament
without affecting stability,
but more severe sprains can
partially or completely tear it,
leaving the joint loose and
likely to further damage the
knee’s cartilage.

Excessive force from pivoting
in a pick-up basketball game,
jumping to spike a volleyball
or colliding with something
much larger than you. That’s
why ACL tears are common
among athletic younger men.

Surgery is usually needed,
especially if you want to play
sports again. Most ACLs can’t
be stitched together, so the
surgeon usually takes a graft
of your patella or hamstring

cause ACL tears can also
damage the meniscus, a
rubbery cartilage wedge that
provides cushioning inside
the knee. Normal ageing also
weakens the cartilage, so just
getting up from a crouch (or
couch) can tear an older
knee. “We see it a lot in
baseball catchers, plumbers
and carpet layers – anybody
who torques their knees for a
living,” says DiNubile. The
aforementioned leg-
strengthening program for
protecting the ACL is a good
defence here, too.

Watch Out!
Unless their meniscus tears
are due to trauma such as a
sports injury or a fall, people
who undergo a partial
meniscectomy do no better
than those receiving sham
surgery or physical therapy,
according to recent studies.
“If you’re over 50, when a torn
meniscus is probably
degenerative, you’re likely
better off with physical
therapy and maybe cortisone
injections,” Sennett says.

tendon (or a cadaver tendon)
and uses it as scaffolding to
reconstruct the ligament.

Stronger leg muscles make
knee joints more stable. To
strengthen yours, do these
three exercises: walking
lunges (3 sets of 10 reps);
Russian hamstrings (kneel on
the floor with a partner
holding your ankles, then
lean forward with a straight
back for 3 sets of 10 reps);
single toe raises (30 reps
each leg). For a complete
knee-protection plan, visit
and search for the Footy First
program developed by a
group of leading academics
funded by the NHMRC. It
provides a regimen that
includes leg exercises, plus
warm- ups, stretches,
strengthening exercises and
plyometrics aimed at
reducing ACL injuries.

Your Knees:
The forceful movements that



Four main ligaments bind
the thighbone (femur)
with the shinbone (tibia)
and kneecap (patella).
Knees are versatile and
strong but vulnerable to a
variety of breakdowns.

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