Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1

November 2018 25


You’ll burn more kilojoules
doing this old school 10-minute
circuit than by jogging for
an hour, says MacDougall.
Perform each move for 15
seconds, rest for 15. Complete
the sequence 3 times

every day, he says, you might get
that 100 per cent return. “But
what happens if you trained for 10
minutes in the sweet spot? Would
you be better off
doing a few sets to
failure of a total-
body exercise
than spending 20
minutes on biceps
curls? Would
you be better off
doing a few all-out
hill sprints than
jogging for 40
minutes?” The
answers are yes and yes.
Remember, says MacDougall,
“your kids don’t care how big

your guns are or how much you
can squat. They just want you
to be able to chase them around
the park, lift them up and swing
them. For me now
the priority is
says his imaginary
personal trainer
is his 70 -year-
old self, who
makes him train
cleverly, using his
bodyweight rather
than barbells.
“Push, pull, hinge, stabilise
and rotate. They’re your five
movement patterns,” he says.

“Real strength is being able to
move your body in different
planes. I don’t want to run over
the top of guys anymore.”
His main message is to keep
the exercise and nutrition caper
straightforward. He opposes
adherence to specific diets
like paleo and keto because
this fosters an all-or-nothing
approach that rarely ends well.
“When you get a f lat tyre you
don’t get out and slash the other
three,” he says. “You change
the f lat one and go again. Same
with food. Guys will have a lapse
and go, ‘Oh, bugger it’ and eat a
family-size pizza. Life isn’t about
absolutes. It’s about balance.”

3 ||Skipping
doesit sans
rope – your
way, aim
for speed.

Research has found ‘contrast
showers’ help you recover 30
per cent faster from intense
exercise, says MacDougall.
Switch the water temp
between hot and cold every
two minutes for five cycles.

1 || Star Jum
Stand, ar
at your
sides, fe
Jump and

2 || Running On
The Spot
Go hard,bringi
your knees up
high like a
sprinter and
pumping your
arms. Optional
finish with a
Lightning Bolt






4 || Ups and Downs
Sit cross-legged on
the floor. Now get to
your feet. Faster!

5 || Walk/Run
Go in one
for 30 seconds
and then come
back. Done!
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