Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1


The Efron

The Buzzed


The Peaky

The Gosling




Don’t Get Your

Hair Cut Before

Reading This

SAY YOU’RE NEW to town. Or
your regular guy has retired. Or
you’re travelling and in desperate
need of a cut. Or you’re suffering
from the kind of malaise that
only a straight razor to the back
of your neck and the hum of
clippers can fix. Whatever the
reason, you’re in the market for
a new barber. A scary prospect, I
know. Finding a place, let alone
a guy that understands exactly
what you want and can deliver
it, is an endeavour fraught with

As a barber, I’m right there
with you. It can be just as ner ve-
racking for us when a new client
sits in our chair. We’ve never
cut this guy before; we don’t
know what he likes, or what he
envisions, or the weird things
that his hair does when it’s
clipped a millimetre too short.
To be a better customer – so we
can do a better job, so you can
leave with the best haircut – you
only need to communicate a few
simple things.

Walk in ready to talk about
your hair – and talk about
it effectively
For barbers, an overly fussy client
is better than an uncertain one,
for a simple reason: decisiveness.
So please talk to your barber
when he asks, “What are we doing
for you today?” I understand
it can feel weird describing
yourself and your hair and how,
aesthetically, you’d like that all
to turn out. Most of us get a
little uneasy thinking, let alone
speaking, about the nature of our
looks and our hopes and dreams
for them.

Recognise that barbers
are like ingerprints. Or
snowlakes. Or penguin
mating calls. The point is:
we’re unique
You can walk into a spot and,
because it seems cool online,
think you’re going to come
out looking like Clooney. But
even in that shop, there might
be one barber who’s a relative
novice, just getting started in
the business, while another is a
long-serving stylist who cut his
teeth in the salon world and may
own it with a pair of shears but
isn’t necessarily as trustworthy
with the clippers. Or you can
get a guy who came up in the
old-school shops and chops your
lettuce like you’ve just been
drafted, or he’s a wizard with the
clippers but might start sweating
when your hair is longer than 10
centimetres. And there is always
a barber who can do it all but
never developed the people skills
and so comes off as disaffected.

Let a barber help you with your next visit to the chop shop

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