Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1




Robert De Niro


DR NO 1962

Martin Scorsese’s
pugilistic masterpiece
features what is perhaps
the ultimate body
transformation by an
actor. To play conflicted
boxer Jake LaMotta,
Robert De Niro didn’t just
train like a pro but boxed
for real, fighting three
bouts and winning two of
them. (He also broke
co-star Joe Pesci’s rib in
one of the sparring
scenes.) To quote On the
Waterfront – as De Niro
does in a scene in this

movie – he could have
been a contender: the
real LaMotta said the
actor was one of the 20
best middleweights he’d
ever seen.
However, De Niro then
piled on the pounds for
his scenes as the older,
fatter LaMotta, gaining
almost 30kg in four
months on a diet largely
consisting of pasta,
ice cream and beer. “The
first 15lb [7kg] was fun,”
he said. “The rest was
hard work.”

He may not have shaken or
stirred many supplements by
today’s standards, but
Connery was a bodybuilder
in his early years who took
part in 1950s Mr Universe
competitions. Reluctant to
stop playing football,
however, he retained an
athletic physique that
left him unable to measure up
to the (possibly artificially)
supersized Americans. So he
tried his hand at another
profession: acting.
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