Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1


TRILOGY 1981 -89





November 2018 83


Ryan Gosling

DRIVE 2011




Will Smith

ALI 2011

Ryan Goslingdoesn’t expose
his “photoshopped” abs in this
Stupid, Love– but like the
threat of violence, his physique
is ever present. When he
carries Carey Mulligan’s son to
the synths of College’s “A Real
Hero”, his back muscles visible
through the cotton, something
primitive stirs in men and
women alike. His character is a
strong, silent archetype, ready
to do whatever it takes to
protect those he loves, even if it
ultimately drivesthem away.It’s
no wonder Gosling was hailed
as “the new Brando”.

Will Smithhadalready gone
fromThe Fresh Prince of
Bel-Airto popcorn-movie king,
but this Muhammad Ali biopic
established him as a
heavyweight in both senses.
For the ordinarily gangly actor,
bulking up from 84kg to 100kg
was “50 times harder”
than losing weight for 2007’s
I Am Legend. Under the
tutelage of Darrell Foster, who
coached Sugar Ray Leonard,
Smith trained six hours a day,
five days a week, boxing,
running and lifting. Within a
year, he more than doubled his
bench from 80kg to 170kg. In a
front double biceps pose,
Smith says, “Ain’t this just the
perfect specimen of a man?”
Well, quite.

Temple of Doomgave us
one of cinema’s most
enduring body images:
Indy on the rope bridge,
sleeve ripped to expose
his sinewy arm. Jones was
supposed to be younger
than inRaiders,soFord
hired trainer Jake
Steinfeld. Before filming,
he hit the gym; on shoot
days, he rose at 5am for
pull-ups, dips, push-ups
and sit-ups. The result
helped whip a generation
of teenagers into shape.

It’s debatablewhether
Tatum is the most
aesthetically eye-
popping of this film’s
troupe of male strippers.
But if you claim you’ve
never fantasised about
having moves like
Tatum’s – a real-life
former exotic dancer

  • you’re either lying or
    you can’t bring yourself
    to watch a picture so
    explicitly aimed at
    women. But you should,
    as it ofers valuable
    insights into what it’s like
    to be judged by your
    physical attractiveness

  • thankfully not an
    occupational hazard for
    the majority of men.

on technique. Build a
champion physique by
mastering Ali’s killer left
01 Not only is boxing a
heavyweight fat-torcher, it
also targets your pecs,
shoulders and core. Set up in
a split stance with your feet
wider than shoulder width.
Distribute 60 per cent of your
weight on your back leg.

02 Keep your chin tilted
down. The foot of your
jabbing arm should be closer
to the bag, your elbow in line
with your shoulder and hip,
and your forearm vertical.

03 Protect your jaw with
your back hand and keep
your jabbing arm loose.
Force should come from
your back. Twist your wrist
as you punch. Your arm
should finish straight but
not overextended.

A notorious snob, the 007
creator Ian Fleming initially
disparaged the Scot as an
“overgrown stuntman”. But
film producer Cubby
Broccoli’s wife, Dana, saw
something that the author
didn’t: “He moves like a
panther,” she said. Indeed, his
mobility was ahead of its
time, as this picture proves.
More than any other film
character, James Bond has
become a template for men

  • and Connery set the mould.

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