Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1





and Dwayne


PAIN & GAIN 2013

These two Men’s Health
cover institutions could
have made it onto this list
for most of the films in their
chest-and-back catalogue.
But they have rarely been
bigger or better than in this
strange but true story of
meathead bodybuilders
who hatch – then bungle – a
kidnap plot. The film is also
a smart satire of the
particularly American
obsession with, er, bigger
and better. Johnson

followed a five-day body-
part split, though his trainer
Dave Rienzi asked him to
reduce his workouts to one
intense hour or less, as any
more than that can be
Supervised by former
American football trainer
Brian Nguyen, Wahlberg’s
bulk-up was more sports
scientific, with posterior
chain activation, kettlebell
swings and goblet squats
alongside the bench press.
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