Men\'s Health Australia - 11.2018

(Romina) #1





Run 4 00m in 1min

Run2.41km in 9min

Run5K in 22min

1RM Front Squat
1.5 x bodyweight

15 unbroken reps

Row2km in 7min

10 Rep Bench Press

Tu rki s h G e t- U p
50% bodyweight

1RM Deadlift

Bodyweight Back
Squat20 reps

Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden, “is
masturbation.” Despite the
unambiguous message of the
psychopathic Durden – the
alter-ego of Edward Norton’s
unnamed narrator – the
black-eyed comedy popularised
the term “six-pack”, as well as
“inguinal crease”. (The result of
awe-struck viewers searching:
“What is that line that runs from
Brad Pitt’s hip to his crotch?”)
Click-bait articles purport to
contain Pitt’s “actualFight Club
workout”, but he has yet to
share his method (he was seen
on set using hand weights).
Charlie Hunnam’s quip that Pitt
“ruined it for everyone” doesn’t
just apply to his fellow actors.

This swords-and-six-packs
epic has entered the
fitspirationpantheon, and
the way that the Spartan
warriors were battle-
hardened has been
mythologised. Mark Twight
and his Gym Jones team
subjected cast, crew and
even director Zack Snyder
to constantly shifting
functional fitness tests and
energy restrictions. Four
months of Hades
culminated in a 300-rep
examination: 25 pull-ups,
50 deadlifts with 60kg, 50
push-ups, 50 box jumps,
50 floor-wipers with 60kg,

Sly wasabsurdly chiselled
inRocky III. Preparing for
the role, he spent all day
running, sparring, lifting,
skipping and swimming,
cutting his body fat to 2.8
per cent at a lean 73kg.
The International
Federation of Body-
builders named him the

“Body of the Eighties”. For
the thirdRambo, however,
Stallone pumped himself
up into a man-sized action
figure who could almost
single-handedly take on
the Soviet army, by
performing pull-downs
with 125kg at 82kg

The movie had such an
impact that the US policy
of violent, unilateral
interventions in countries
such as Nicaragua was
dubbed “the Rambo
Doctrine”, and there was
concern the film might
undermine improving
relations with Russia.




Brad Pitt

The Cast

Of 300


50 kettlebell cleans and
presses with 15kg, and
another 25 pull-ups. Star
Gerard Butler described
Twight’s modus operandi
as “dificult in the kind of
way where you wish you
had never been born –
and even more than that,
wished he had never
been born”.

Trial By Fire To be considered an “athlete” at
Gym Jones, you need to master these tests. See how you fare
Free download pdf