102 JULY 2018 Australian Handyman
Keep on the cutting
edge with tools for
everything from
construction jobs to
intricate detail work
eing able to accurately cut timber
shapes and sizes is essential to
DIY, and owning a freestanding
or bench-mounted saw will ensure you
get the job done properly. But which saw
is best for which job? Take your pick.
◆ MITRE SAWS can make square and
mitred cuts up to 45°. A compound mitre
saw can also tilt to cut bevels up to 45°.
◆ TAB LE SAWS can make cuts along
and across the grain, called ripping and
crosscutting. he saw is mounted
underneath a table with the blade
projecting upwards through a slot.
◆ BAND SAWS are ideal for cutting
curves and making a board thinner,
called re-sawing. hey use a blade which
is looped around a set of wheels and
runs in a continuous circuit.
◆ SCROLL SAWS cut intricate shapes.
he thin blade is stretched between two
arms that oscillate up and down.