Australian Flying - July 2018

(Wang) #1
In all the M600 represents
the latest in GA avionic
technology with up to the
present aerodynamics to
deliver cost effective
personal transport for up
to six occupants.
My thanks to Nick Jones from
Airf lite Pty Ltd and Thomas
Nielsen, M600 Demonstration
Pilot, Piper Aircraft.

During the airwork at
Warwick, we experimented with
the M600’s handling and ability
to perform an emergency descent
should the need arise. With the
power lever back at idle, we were
able to generate up to 4500 fpm
descent as the speed increased
towards the VNE of 251 KIAS.
I was also able to have a look
at another important safety
feature within the autopilot to
help in single pilot operations.
That is the Electronic Stability
and Protection (ESP) system,
which will provide a control force
feedback when hand f lying to
deter the pilot from operating
outside the aircraft limits. This
operates in both roll and pitch.
As the aircraft reaches the
various ESP thresholds, the
system will engage the autopilot
servos to provide a positive
pressure back towards the normal
operational envelope.
After our short f light to
Warwick, we returned to a busy

Archerfield circuit pattern and
after a downwind leg that was
extended for wake turbulence due
to a couple of army helicopters
conducting pre-Comm’ Games
operations, we turned base with
the gear and T/O f laps extended.
This suited me fine as it gave
me a longer final approach to get a
feel for the aircraft in the approach
configuration. With the gear
down and f laps set to lnd, a final
approach speed of 95 KIAS was
attained. It is easy to get too fast.
This required a TRQ of not
less than 450 PSI, which is at
the aft end of the power lever
range, meaning that only very
slight forward movements gave
quite large power increases with
associated speed increase. Also
with the lever being located so low
down, I almost felt as though my
hand was down by my side.
To limit the size of power
adjustments, I found that placing
my index finger against the front
of the lever on top of the lever’s 37

July – August 2018 AUSTRALIAN FLYING




Evektor Harmony LSA

slot, this allowed for smaller
more accurate movements in the
slight turbulence.
Normal approach and f lare
resulted in a reasonable landing and
with the power lever back to Beta,
I found there was no need to select
reverse to adequately stop midway
down the runway with only a little
braking required to ensure the exit
taxiway back to parking.

The sleek M600 design accelerates after takeoff at close to 2000 fpm climb rate.
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