Australian Flying - July 2018

(Wang) #1
July – August 2018 AUSTRALIAN FLYING 75

Maybe GA isn’t dying,
it is just changing

LEFT: Is a truly
national ly-in
that brings
together all
sectors the
answer to GA’s
is fueling
the next
of GA pilots.

numbers have grown from about
6000 to around 38,000. This
almost entirely offsets the decline
suggesting that while there is no
growth per se, there is definitely
a shift. Very similar to Australia
and very different to what a lot of
people are suggesting.
Some question our safety
record, and so do we. Our record
over the last five years is evidence
of that. We have demonstrated
a solid downward trend in fatal
accidents and are continuing to
work on that with many initiatives
underway, including those
mentioned above.
The success of our sector isn’t
buried in the fear that it is dying,
it is quite the opposite. As we look

to attracting people to our sector
I ask, would you as a teenager be
attracted to a sector that is dying,
or that continues to say schools
and maintenance facilities are
closing? The way to attract the
next generation of aviators is offer
them a vibrant sector, a unified
sector, a sector where a career is
fun, rewarding, certain and free of
unnecessary controversy.
When I read social media
commentary and mainstream
media commentary, I am
reminded of the drama often

strewn across our television
screams masquerading as reality
TV, where the episode we are
watching is more about the drama
between two warring contestants
than the quality of the food.
Surely our sector should be about
our product, our promise, our
future as a collective. We blame
others for its demise: isn’t the old
adage “a bad tradesmen blames his
tools?" Maybe it’s time we looked
inwardly and fixed the sector
form within rather than blaming
external inf luences.

AirVenture was conceived
as a collaborative event and ran
smoothly in 2016. It will run
again smoothly in 2018 as more
and more people embrace it and
collaborate. I know RAAus’ role
will be to simply work with the
AirVenture team to make the
event the best it can be.
The bigger AirVenture is,
the bigger and better our sector
is. The bigger RAAus is, or
warbirds, or GFA, or SAAA or
AOPA, won't the overall sector
be bigger and better as well?
For too long we have stuck within
the margins and robbed Peter to
pay Paul.
Maybe AirVenture is the answer,
or at least a very big part of it.

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