Imotorhome Australia - June 2018

(Barré) #1

Eating and Dining


ive or six people could probably sit around
the dining/lounge area, but the table is a bit
more of a limiter; it really only being for four
at the most. Even with the bed above, there is
still a fair bit of head room and it is fairly easy to
get in and out of all the seating. As with the rest
of the motorhome, there is plenty of light and
ventilation. In the cab the privacy curtain runs
between the swivelled seats and dashboard, so
there are no difficulties using the swivelled front
seats at night.



lthough it’s a combo bathroom in size, it’s
a ‘dry’ one. That is, the shower cubicle at
the very rear can be closed off from the
rest of the bathroom area. It’s not oversize but
there is room to turn around for most people.
Located mid-station in the bathroom is the
cassette toilet, and if you turn around a bit whilst
seated, you can indeed look out of the window
without too much trouble (Loo with a view! - Ed).
Butted up against the front wall, by the door,
is a small wash basin with mirror above and
cupboard below.

Above: The Europeans do compact lounges/dinettes so well. Below: A separate shower cubicle keeps the floor of the
corner bathroom nice and dry.

48 | Tested

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