Imotorhome Australia - June 2018

(Barré) #1

the trailer, then came and put Wanda on the
truck. We had to be towed 140 km back east
to Nundroo, so he could fix her. I was worried
and upset, but the ladies who had also broken
down (with much bigger problems,) put things
into perspective for me when they said, “It’s
just a UPA.” Puzzled, I asked what an UPA
was? They laughed and said, “An unplanned

Wanda was a relatively easy fix as the lock pin
had just fallen out. Fortunately, it had hung
in there, because the mechanic didn’t have
another one. He machined the pin, put it back
in and we were on our way. The gear shift
feels like it should now and it only cost $40.
A great mechanic and a nice guy, but he said
he is so busy with people breaking down, he
doesn’t need any more work. The cabins at his

park are beautiful though and the showers are

We never did catch up with Robbo and I feel
terrible that he might think I just ditched him,
but we hadn’t exchanged details so sadly there
was no way of contacting him. However, Bunda
Cliffs was a stunning place and I was thrilled
to see a pod of about 30 dolphins swimming
close, beneath the cliffs. It was very windy and
so I parked way back from the cliffs, behind the
sand dunes. The campers closer to the edge
had magnificent views, but about midnight they
were forced to move back and even further
than us as the wind tried its hardest to topple
us all over. Wanda was solid and immovable,
and so we were able to resist the onslaught.
However, it was a sleepless night and the next
morning we moved on.

80 | Wanda

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