Imotorhome Australia - June 2018

(Barré) #1

Welcome to W.A.


anda was still behaving well and
we finally hit the W.A. border, where
we were subjected to a friendly-
but-thorough search for any fresh fruit or
vegetables. It was then that I discovered that
W.A was two and a half hours behind S.A. It
was so hard to adjust because I wanted to eat
earlier, sleep earlier and wake up earlier and it
took a few days to get used to it.

We stopped at Kathala Pass for a couple of
days, which was a rather busy rest stop with
a lot of travellers stopping for water. I had
literally just mentioned to a man that I thought
I had enough water to get me through, when I
looked over at Wanda and saw water pouring
out onto the ground. A quick look underneath
told me that the plastic tap had failed and I
didn’t have a spare. I was trying to work out
what to do and frantically hunting through
all my spare parts boxes when a lovely man
brought over exactly what I needed and
even fitted it for me. Thank goodness for the
kindness of strangers! A spare is definitely on
the shopping list now...

The price of fuel was getting more expensive
as we drove across, of course. It was $1.78
per litre at Mundrabilla and cost me $100 to
fill the tank. Thank goodness I had stocked
up with plenty of food as most of my money
had to go on fuel. I topped up again at
Madura Pass at $1.89 per litre and again at
Cocklebiddy at $1.91 per litre. At Balladonia
it was $1.92 per litre, so I carefully calculated
how much I would need to get to Norseman,
but it still cost $75.

Heading Norse


orseman has a wonderful little free
rest area, which is just a five minute
walk to the main street. By this time
I was craving fresh vegetables, so before I
even unpacked Wanda I went to the shop

Wanda | 81

The SA-WA border and the errant locking pin...
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