Imotorhome Australia - June 2018

(Barré) #1

82 | Wanda

and loaded up with cauliflower, sweet potato,
onions, potatoes, and broccoli. It was the best
feed I’d had in ages!

How Norseman got its’ name is an interesting
story. In 1894 Laurie Sinclair’s horse,
‘Norseman’, kicked up a gold nugget. This led
to the discovery of a rich gold reef and a gold
rush on the area. The township developed and
Sinclair named the new goldfield Norseman. A
statue has been erected in the main street to
honour the horse that started it all. Sinclair had
a brooch made for his wife out of the original
nugget and it is on display at the museum
in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. It would have been
interesting to see but I was not headed that

It had been a long trip with lots of overnight
stops, so my plan was to stop at Bromus Dam
for a few days. Wanda needed sorting out and
tidying up, and I needed to relax for a few days.
When I stayed there in 2010 it was already a
lovely spot, but this time I hardly recognised
the place. The council had put in picnic tables,
fire pits and rubbish bins and even expanded
the camping areas. It was so nice we stayed
for over a week. I spent a day cooking scones,
biscuits and a cake in my little oven, which I
shared with other campers.

My next planned stop was Salmon Gums
Caravan Park, which is a lovely little
community-run park. For $15 a night you get
power, water, showers, a toilet you don’t have

How many people ever knew that Norseman is named after a gold-finding horse?

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