“LeadeRship is not aBout the next
eLeCtion, it’s aBout the next GeneRation”
Inspiring words from the British born,
bestselling author, Simon Sinek. In some
of his papers he identifies the issues
facing the Generation Y, or Millennials
as we more commonly name them, and
some of the misconceptions that are
thrown around the media about the youth
of today. “There is something about
youth that the more experienced often
forget and don’t take advantage of – their
“And pAssion is A vAluAble
Awarded the 2015 Queens Anniversary
prize for its work in Hospitality and Culinary
arts, the curriculum at Westminster
Kingsway is based on a real-life learning
environment that exposes students to
a challenging and fast paced sector.
Under Senior chef lecturer supervision,
the students operate two restaurants,
the Vincent rooms and the fine dining
Escoffier room. The latter is run by the
year 3 (final year) students and it is our
intention to bring these students to your
attention before they fly the Westminster
Kingsway nest. Amongst them is the next
Ben Murphy, the next Mark Froydenlund
or the next Caroline Kerber Wetzel. And
something all these students share is a
passion for this industry and a desire to
perform to the best of their ability.
training: WestMiNster kiNgsWaY college