Chef – February 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

BisCuit de savoie

by Adam Handling

● 150g Flour T55
● 150g Corn flour
● 300g Caster sugar
● 375g Egg yolk
● 375g Egg white

In a mixing boil whip the egg yolk with half
of the caster sugar into sabayon texture. On
the side white the egg white with the other
part of the caster sugar until soft meringue
consistency. Mix both mix by hand and add the
sieve flour and corn flour.
When the mix is ready pipe into baking tray the
size and shape wanted and bake it for about 9
min at 180°C.

Apricot Mousse

● 250ml Les vergers Boiron Apricot Puree
● 8g Gold gelatine leaf
● 100g Italian meringue
● 175g Whipping cream

Soak the gelatine leaf about 15mn into cold
water, in a mixing bawl whip the cream until
soft peak. Warm the apricot puree to 40°C
add the gelatine into it, whisk until it dissolve.
Combine the meringue Italian to the puree,
whisk it slowly then add the cream and whisk
it until smooth.
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