Australian Motorcycle News - June 21, 2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Step forward, Remy Gardner. Actually,
shuffle forward; the son of Wayne
was still on crutches after breaking
both legs and an ankle. Back riding
after only six weeks, he didn’t know if
he’d finish the weekend, but qualified
23rd and claimed a point for 15th.

Marquez, again. He thought it his best ever.
It was in FP4, and was a double save. He lost
the front at 170 km/h, the front tyre painting
a long black stripe, but picked it up with his
knee. Now on the dirty part of the track, “I lost the front
again”. He saved that too, and didn’t even run off track.
His knee-slider finished round the other side of his leg!




work well,” Lorenzo said,
“but I had to save them, be
very smooth on the throttle
and with my line, because
I knew Marc was different,
and that could be an
Marquez felt the same:
“I tried to keep pushing to
see if Jorge’s tyres would
drop, but then we both
dropped the same way.”
The result meant that
Lorenzo pulled back five
points on Marquez, but he is
still 49 points behind.
“The bad news is we are
very far,” Jorge said. “The
good news is there are many
races, so it is possible. But
very, very difficult.
“The other good thing is

we don’thavepressure.”
And, he added, “this is the
most balanced Ducati ever”.
Marquez had an answer:
“I like the pressure. I perform
better, concentrate better,
when there is pressure.”
And his own bike was
good. “This year, when we
are bad we can still be on the
podium, and when we are
good we can win.”
There was drama from
the start. Andrea Iannone
(Ecstar Suzuki) blazed away

yards before running wide at
the end of the back straight.
Marquez headed lap one,
but Lorenzo powered past by
the end of the front straight,
and Dovizioso then Rossi
dropped the Suzuki to fifth.
The first three soon pulled
clear, w ith Dovi a second
ahead of Rossi by lap six.
T h ree laps later, however, he
crashed out under brakes,
later shaking his head in
baff lement, as at Le Mans.

By now, wildcards Kallio
(KTM) and Guintoli (Suzuki),
as well as Luthi (Honda),
Simeon (Ducati) and Aleix
Espargaro (Aprilia) had
already crashed out, finding
the surface treacherous.
Soon after, Alex Rins
(Suzuki) retired, from the
back of the field.
The front three didn’t
change, and Marquez didn’t
give up pushing. But Lorenzo
had more, and after lap 10
the gap started to grow – to
almost 4.5 seconds at the end.
By then Marquez’s times
had dropped, and the gap to
Rossi had been halved to less
than two seconds.
Dani Pedrosa (Repsol
Honda) had started well

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“I like the pressure.

I perform better,

concentrate better”

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