Australian Motorcycle News - June 21, 2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Australian Motorcycle News road test photographs are posed for by skilled, professional riders under controlled circumstances. Attempting to imitate their actions may be dangerous.
Australian Motorcycle News supports and endorses rider training and wearing protective riding gear. Especially when you’ve got a schedule like this bloke’s: “I’m in Oz for a week,
then India for six days, back to Oz for seven, to the UK for four days, back to India for one or two weeks, direct to Spain for a month and then Californeeeeeaah (his words, not ours) for
a launch.” Sheesh, and Dobie reckons editing a fortnightly is hard yakka. He’s got nothing on the bloke who’s developing chassis’ for Royal Enfield, eh, Youngy!

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