Australian Motorcycle News - June 21, 2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Your say

and still have, a similar
issue with grey imports.
But well done to Kawasaki’s
preferred broker for getting
you the coverage you
required. Chris

Up the track
and back
I have just had a similar
experience to Steve’s ride
on the Birdsville Track
(Access, Vol 67 No 24).
On a tour from Western
Victoria to Central
Australia on my Ninja
1000, I was told by many
adventure bike riders that
I couldn’t ride a roadbike
from Coober Pedy to
William Creek and down
the Oodnadatta Track, due
to terrible corrugations,
wheel ruts, potholes, rocks,

loose sand and bulldust.
But my mind was made
up after being patronised
by a condescending Africa
Twin rider at Uluru.
It was a cakewalk. After
leaving the tar, it was
more than 100km before
I changed out of top gear.
Riding conservatively, I
dropped to 65km/h on
occasions, but for much of
the 400-odd kilometres,
sitting on 90-100 was a
comfortable and safe speed
to maintain.
So to that Africa Twin
rider: Sorry, mate, but if
you think you need an
adventure bike to ride that
road in its current condition
then you just can’t ride!
M i c h a e l B u l l
Ozenkadnook, Vic

All this talk about the
Birdsville Track has had
my Google Maps working
overtime, Michael. It’s
incredible that I still hear
names of Aussie towns I
have never heard before,
and Ozenkadnook is the
latest. It’s just such a shame
the Ozenkadnook Tiger was
a hoax. Now (I hope) I have
everyone reaching for their
search engines. Chris

All good...
until it isn’t
Just read Steve’s letter
about the Birdsville Track
(Access, Vol 67 No 24).
Some mates of mine did it
about 10 years ago with no
sat-phone and no EPIRB.
One of the boys came
down in a bulldust-covered
rut. Lucky for him, a station
worker was on the road,
and his ute had a UHF
radio they used to call the
Flying Doctor. He ended up
spending a lot of time in an
Adelaide Hospital.
I’ve worked in the
backcountry a fair bit and
my motto has always been,
‘Prepare for the worst,
enjoy the best’.
Rod Williams
Via email

G’day Rod, two of our
regular AMCN contributors

have had it all turn to shit in
the Outback, and if it wasn’t
for the fact that they were
carrying safety equipment
that allowed them to call
for help the outcome might
have been a lot worse.
Some of the letters we
have received are from
very experienced riders
who know the local area
really well. The common
theme is, it’s a harsh
environment that can’t be
underestimated. Chris

Flea found!
Your recent story about
the new Royal Enfield
Pegasus (AMCN Vol 67
No 24) reminded me of
another news story you ran
a while ago reporting the
theft of an original Royal
Enfield Flying Flea from a
photoshoot. Was that piece
of history ever recovered?
Helen Goldsmith
Kew, Vic

G’day Helen, yes! Good
news about the Flying Flea
that went AWOL, it was
recovered by the police
and is now back in the
hands of Royal Enfield.
Unfortunately, the same
can’t be said for the van and
other expensive kit that
was nicked at the same
time. Chris

“Riding my roadbike down

the Oodnadatta Track

was a cakewalk!”


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