Australian Motorcycle News - June 21, 2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Mule variations

Every single machine rolled out the Mule Motorcycles
door is a masterclass. This Sportster isno exception


THE FACT THAT San Diego’s Mule
Motorcycles nearly exclusively
produce performance trackers,
means it knows exactly what
it’s doing. And not just trumped-
up backyard jobs. Every
single one is a masterpiece in
proportion, style and, ultimately,
performance. There are a lot
of people trying to achieve
what Richard Pollock produces
and none can come close to
the exceptional work he does.
Exhibit A: the latest bike from
Mule Motorcycles is based
around a 1991 883 Sportster,
it’s called Rupert’s Ride and it
really puts the Sport back into
Don’t get Richard started on
what passes for a street tracker
these days.
“That term gets thrown at
all sorts of builds that have
absolutely no link to dirt track or

high performance,” he says. “It’s
an overused style description
which has diluted the true
meaning.” Rupert’s Ride is, in his
opinion, pretty close to what is a
true street tracker.
“I’m no authority,” he adds.
“But having attended many
flat-track races, competed in
hundreds and having studied the
machinery since the early 1970s,
I’ve formed a vision of what one
should look like.”
He’s being modest. He is an
authority. And he’s got a host
of bikes under his belt to prove
it, all of which are as detailed
and as gorgeous as this one.
Understandably, his work is in
high demand.
“I had three orders for Sportster
street trackers at the same time,”
he explains. “But I could only find
the one donor Sportster locally,
so two came from Barnett


Rupert’s Ride Harley-Davidson 883 Tracker – Mule Motorcycles WORDSMARLON SLACK FOR PIPEBURN.COM
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