Who - 25.06.2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

The ‘Sunrise’ star is setting the

record straight about being

‘high-maintenance,’ her love

life and why she won’t be body-

shamed into dieting


e of TV’s toughest gigs.
ownsides—the early starts,
e of morning television,
ething about pretty much
t-TV stars come under
the media and public alike.
ge, 41, knows that better
years co-hosting Channel
fast show, she has become
t talked about people.
n-air to what she looks like
gly no topic is off-limits.
first to acknowledge that
being in the public eye comes at a price, she’s not
about to put up with it, especially when what is
written about her isn’t always true. “I have had
years of false reports around me,” she tells WHO.
“And I am fed up with them. Now I take them on.”
In our candid interview, Armytage discusses
the stories that frustrate her, how she deals with
life in the spotlight, her attitude to dieting and
exercise, and the status of her love life.
How hard is it to cope with false items
in the media? One that continues to rear
its head is that you and your Sunrise
colleague Edwina Bartholomew don’t
get along ...
When you are in the spotlight, people are
going to make things up about you. It does
surprise me in this era, where women are
getting it together and supporting each
other, that still, gossip writers want to pit
women against each other. They don’t do
it to men. I know men in this industry who
have appalling falling-outs with other men
over professional jealousies. Yet they
continually make stuff up about the women.
Most of us women get along really well.
Where do you think all that negativity
comes from?
I don’t understand the negativity.
I understand modern media and there is
a huge cycle to fill. And I understand there
are gossip writers who have to make things
up to fill their pages. It’s a privilege to be in
the media and I think people who write
content should take that a bit more seriously.
You can’t just make stuff up. And I’m not
going to put up with it anymore.
What about when it’s the public
themselves being vicious? How do you
contend with internet trolls and the like?
How I get through it is I turn my social media
off and I ignore it. I talk to a lot of
young girls at schools about

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