The Australian Women\'s Weekly - June 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

JUNE 2018 | The Australian Women’s Weekly 155



he Federal government’s
recent decision to make
medicines containing codeine
available prescription-only
caused quite a controversy.
My GP colleagues around the country
have been having dificult conversations
with patients who suffer from chronic
pain. These people are now forced
to either ind a new medication, an
alternative to medication or have
to visit their doctor more often to
get prescriptions.
One in ive Australians lives with
chronic pain. That makes it one of the
most common reasons people have to
see their doctor. There have been a lot
of very reasonable questions for us
to answer.

What’s the difference between
acute pain and chronic pain?
The deinition of acute or chronic pain
is not about how severe the pain is. It
is about the timing. Acute pain is recent
in onset. Chronic pain is pain that has
become long term, usually for more than
about six months. For acute pain, the
emphasis is generally on removing
the pain by identifying the cause and
providing pain relief while your
body heals. In many chronic pain
conditions, we may not be able to
identify the underlying cause of the
pain with certainty, or the cause may
not be treatable.
Pain starts with damage to body
tissues. Then a number of secondary
changes in the brain and the nerves in
the body amplify the pain experience.
So the treatment of pain often needs

to address these secondary changes as
well as the origin of the pain.

What are my options?
Go back a few steps. Take this
opportunity to have a case review
with your GP. Was the original
diagnosis of your condition correct?
Have you had all of the appropriate
imaging, such as ultrasounds or MRI
scans, to conirm your condition? Is
there anything else that can be done
to treat the origin of the pain?
Depending on the type of pain
you have, a second opinion may be
reasonable. There are specialised pain
clinics in some major public hospitals
where your condition and treatment
plan can be reassessed. You will need
a referral from your GP.

What non-pharmaceutical pain
management options can I try?
There are many treatments and
techniques that you can use to help
eliminate pain and/or reduce its effect
on your quality of life. You may need
to trial a few different techniques or
combinations to igure out what
works best for you. Here are some
of the most popular:

  • Psychological techniques: cognitive
    behavioural therapy, relaxation
    techniques, guided imagery

  • Physical and manual therapies:
    physiotherapy, osteopathy

  • Exercise techniques: yoga, Tai Chi,
    supervised rehabilitation, hydrotherapy

  • Relaxation techniques: meditation
    and mindfulness

  • Music therapy

  • Art therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Low-level laser treatment

Affordability is a real issue for a lot of
people, as there is usually an out-of-
pocket cost for services in the private
sector. Some treatments will be available
in public hospital clinics and other
treatments outside of the public system
are subsidised by Medicare but you
will need to ask your GP if you qualify
for a Chronic Disease Management
Plan. This is a plan to coordinate the
different practitioners and medical

specialists involved in your health care.
Then you can have ive subsidised (not
necessarily free) treatments per year.
These might include acupuncture,
physiotherapy, osteopathy, psychology
and exercise physiology.

When should I seek further medical
attention and prescription medicine
to deal with pain?
If your pain is not well controlled you
need to keep trying to ind solutions.
Consider all aspects of your experience
of pain, whether physical, psychological
or spiritual, and what it means to your
quality of life.

Could it be “all in my head”?
In a word, no. Pain actually caused by
psychological issues is extremely rare.
Psychological factors do contribute to
the intensity and quality of your pain
experience, as well as the way you
behave because of your pain. Mood
problems such as anger, frustration,
anxiety and depression are also very
common consequences of pain. You
will manage your pain better if you
include psychological techniques in
your treatment plan, regardless of the
cause. Your family and friends need to
understand your condition and what
you need to do to feel better. AWW






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My advice

  • Review your pain-
    management plan regularly.

  • Find interests and activities
    you are able to do.

  • If a medication is prescribed
    temporarily for a specific purpose,
    ask your doctor to provide you with a
    program for reducing and ceasing the
    medication within a reasonable time.

  • If you are prescribed opioid
    analgesics, ask if there are less
    addictive options for your pain

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
    drugs (NSAIDs) should be used at the
    lowest possible dose for the shortest
    possible duration because of
    potential side effects.

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