The Australian Women\'s Weekly - June 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

156 The Australian Women’s Weekly|JUNE 2018

Medical Q&A



If you have a question
for Professor Kerryn
Phelps, write to:
Ask The Doctor,
GPO Box 4178,
Sydney, NSW 2001
or email openline@
Letters cannot
be answered personally.
See page 208 for
Bauer Media Limited’s
Privacy Notice.


I am a vibrant
woman of 86 years
old. While I’m not
the raging beauty
I once was, I am interested in
caring for and protecting my
skin. How can you make the
most of your skin when
you’re in your 80s?K.H., WA.
Skin health is internal and
external. The “inner glow” comes
from lifestyle decisions like a
healthy diet, minimal or no
alcohol and never smoking.
Protection from the sun is
important at all ages and
moisturising twice daily more
important with advancing age.
You can ask your doctor about
a prescription cream called
tretinoin (a form of Vitamin A)
which can reduce the
appearance of wrinkles and
discoloration from sun damage.


I’ve tried every diet
imaginable and I
weight. I’m not an
overeater, I don’t snack. I’ve
eliminated foods like sugar and
bread and my weight’s barely
budged, whereas other people’s
would have fallen. Could there
be another reason?H.P., Vic.
See your doctor to check for
medical conditions such as
underactive thyroid, insulin
resistance and polycystic ovary
syndrome. You may need to
increase the amount of exercise
you do. It may be that the food
you are eating is more than your
metabolism needs. Alcohol is also
often a source of extra kilojoules.

There are numerous
causes of hearing
loss. Some forms are
genetic while others
include toxicity from
particular medications,
damage from industrial
noise, autoimmune
inner ear disease, viral
infections andageing.
Protect your hearing
by avoiding loud noise
or wearing protective
ear muffs or plugs
when exposed to
prolonged noise.


I took HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to
manage menopause for nearly 20 years until
a few years ago, when my doctor advised me
to stop. Before I started my bones were terrible.
Today, I’ve lost 5cm in height but kept my hair and am
still regaining health. Did the prolonged period of taking
HRT protect my bones in any shape or form?J.C., SA.
Bone breakdown causes osteoporosis, which increases the
risk of a fracture. HRT can slow bone loss and new research
shows that in some cases, HRT can improve bone density
and structure in women after menopause and up to age 60.
There are specific osteoporosis treatments which may be
more suitable for you now, so discuss the risks and
benefits with your GP.

Ask the






I love fruit, but I sometimes
get hives from it due to its
salicylate content. Do you
have any recommendations?
And does it matter if the fruit is ripe or
unripened?S.S., NSW.
Fruits highest in salicylates include
apples, apricots, berries andcherries.
Interestingly, the salicylate level in fruits
and vegetables is higher when they
are unripe and decreases as they ripen.
I advise you to see a dietician to work
out your food allergies. Keep an
antihistamine handy if you get hives.
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