The Australian Women\'s Weekly - June 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

22 The Australian Women’s Weekly | JUNE 2018


Clockwise from top left: Meghan
and Harry exchange rings; Doria
beams with emotion; Harry lifts
Meghan’s veil; Bishop Michael Curry
delivers his powerful address.

When Harry saw

Meghan he said,

“you look amazing”

and lifted his

bride’s veil.

out of the ceremony following heart
surgery, but it was a lovely touch
of which no doubt Thomas would
have approved. The Prince of Wales
welcomed this American bride to the
House of Windsor, watched on by
her mother, Doria Ragland, who
had earlier been driven in the car
with her daughter to the castle.
Doria couldn’t hide her emotion
and started to well up, and there were
moments when Prince Harry also
looked to be brushing aside tears.
“Thank you, Pa,” he said to his father
as an incredibly composed Meghan
joined him at the altar.
When Harry saw Meghan he said,
“you look amazing” and lifted his
bride’s veil. Then the couple held
hands tightly and their beautiful
wedding ceremony ensued.
The service was a clever union of
traditional royal pomp and Church
of England solemnity, led by the
Dean of Windsor. The marriage was
solemnised by the Archbishop of
Canterbury, with US Bishop Michael
Curry delivering the address with
passion and. St George’s Chapel has
probably never seen anything like the
Chicago-born preacher, whose address
was powerful, outspoken and raised
the roof. It was followed by the
Kingdom Choir singing a poignant
rendition of Stand By Me.
Diana’s sister, Lady Jane Fellowes,
delivered a reading and, as with all the
sermons, the theme of love conquering
all prevailed. The whole ceremony was
sealed with a kiss at the top of the
steps in front of thousands of invited
guests inside Windsor Castle grounds,
hundreds of thousands of members of
the public lining the streets and billions
watching on TV around the world. AWW

A ROYAL special

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