Australian Wood Review - June 2018

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‘I was probably overly enthusiastic,
and because I was used to working
at a quick pace I still expected to do
that. When you’re learning that can
sometimes be a bit of a problem,
you’re better to slow down. I’m
sure there were times when I drove
Alastair a bit mad!’

Simeon has now been a full time maker
for two and a half years. Before that
there was a five year transition period
where he still worked as a carpenter
while refining his fine woodworking
skills. Currently all his work is by
commission, however creating a
collection of pieces that he could
one day exhibit is a long term goal.

Making the bookcase was a lengthy
and complex commission however the
result achieved was highly satisfactory
and often it’s through constraints of
time and budget that a higher level of
skills can be attained.

Words: Linda Nathan
Photos: Peter Tarasuik

Contact Simeon Dux via


Clockwise from below: Making the
muntins for the barred doors involved
hand fitting each muntin.
Melbourne maker Simeon Dux stands
with the completed piece.
The door and drawer panels were cut
and bookmatched from the one board.
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