
(Marcin) #1
108 Macworld • August 2019


after it ditched Secure Empty Trash. However,
it’s changed further: you can no longer trigger it
anywhere in the Finder except in the Trash folder.
Select one or more files in the Trash and Control-
click. Select Delete Immediately and confirm the
deletion. There’s no going back.

Why iTunes says your
iOS 12 device isn’t recognized
You’re not required to use an iPhone with iTunes
in macOS and Windows, but plenty of people
still plug in to a computer via USB and rely on
Apple’s music-management software to handle
syncing, updates, and backups.
But what to do if you plug in and you see a
message that says, “iTunes could not connect
to this iPhone. You do not have permission.”
You’d think very reasonably that this would
have something to do with whether your iPhone
was unlocked in just the right way. Apple added
a feature in iOS 11.4 to deter USB-based
hacking of iPhones. The USB Restricted Mode
feature prevents access to an iPhone’s data
if it’s enabled and it’s been more than an hour
since  the last time the phone was unlocked.
However, the solution is more likely a
mismatch between newer iPhones, and the
version of macOS and iTunes you’re running.
Apple’s says that the iPhone XS and XS Max
require both iTunes 12.8 and at least Mac OS X
10.11.6 (El Capitan) or later. However, from Apple
forums and reader emails, it appears this can also
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