
(Marcin) #1
22 Macworld • August 2019


  1. iPhone
    It seems so obvious now, but the iPhone could
    have gone horribly wrong. It was expensive, tied
    to a single carrier, and relied on touch rather than
    the standard stylus. But what made the iPhone
    so iconic was its design. The chrome sides, the
    do-it-all home button, the giant screen, the lack
    of a physical keyboard. The iPhone’s success was
    due in large part to its design, and no one but Jony
    Ive could make such a gamble seem so effortless. I
    mean, it’s the iPhone – what more needs to be said?

  2. iMac G4
    Apple faced a monumental task with the follow-up
    to the iconic iMac G3, and boy did Jony Ive deliver.
    A floating screen attached to a chrome arm and a
    dome base, the iMac G4 was truly a jaw-dropping,
    show-stopping, drop-dead gorgeous marvel.

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