
(Marcin) #1
August 2019 • Macworld 25


for everything that followed, up to and including
the iPhone X and its notch. Radical, revolutionary,
and just a little controversial, iOS 7 was a giant leap
forward for Apple mobile strategy, an OS so far
ahead of its time the iPhone is still growing into it.

  1. Unusable mice
    Apple’s mice have always been instantly
    recognizable, and not always in a good way. Two
    of Jony Ive’s designs will forever be remembered
    for their follies. The iMac G3’s circular puck mouse
    was certainly a departure from the usual two-
    button PC design, but it looked a lot cooler than
    it worked. And today’s Magic Mouse 2 is another
    miss, mainly for how it charges. To plug in the
    charging cable, you need to flip the mouse on its

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