Fly Past

(Rick Simeone) #1


* Overseas deliveries are likely to be after
this date.

The next issue of FlyPast features a special section on the legendary Schneider Trophy, the air races
that acted as a catalyst for progress in aviation technology. We refl ect on this inspirational pre-war
contest for seaplanes and fl ying boats. The December issue will be in UK shops on November 1, or
see page 96 for our latest money-saving subscription offers.


114 FLYPAST November 2018

Curtiss TP-40N Warhawk
American Dream has recently
been acquired by Kissimmee,
Florida’s Warbird Adventures
(see News). The fi ghter is
partly based on the remnants
of P-40N 42-104977, which was
shot down over New Guinea
in September 1943. Elements
of the 8th Fighter Squadron
machine were salvaged in
2005 and incorporated into an
Australian restoration project.
This was later converted into a
two-seat TP-40N variant, fl ying
in this confi guration for the
fi rst time on May 10, 2016 in
Colorado, US.
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