Science - USA (2022-05-06)

(EriveltonMoraes) #1

dephasing and Raman gain suppression ( 25 ),
the latter being responsible for the total can-
cellation of the modulation process below
~50 bar (fig. S4).
The excellent quantitative agreement be-
tween experimental results and numerical
modeling (Fig. 2A) ( 24 ) allows us to gain in-
sight into the quantum molecular modulation
process in the fiber. In particular, the spatio-
temporal evolution of the Raman coherence
can be studied, something not accessible in
the experiments. As illustrated in Fig. 3A, at
70 bar the Raman coherence builds up along
the fiber, peaking at ~30 cm. From this point
on, the single idler photons are predominant-
ly transformed into anti-Stokes idler photons
at 894 nm (Fig. 3B), with conversion to Stokes
photons remaining five orders of magnitude
lower (Fig. 3C). In the last section of the fiber,
the pump pulses are substantially depleted

and the coherence gradually decays away
ward SRS does not play any role in the dynam-
ics (fig. S5).
It is also important to verify that the pre-
existing quantum correlations in the original
biphoton pairs are preserved during single-
pump molecular modulation and subsequent
propagation of the up-shifted anti-Stokes pho-
tons through the ARR-PCF. To do so, we mea-
sured the second-order correlation function
g(2)(t) of the original biphotons (Fig. 4A) and
compared the result with the second-order
correlations established between the up-shifted
idler and the unmodified signal (Fig. 4B).
The strong resemblance of bothg(2)(t) peaks
(Fig. 4C), normalized to account for acciden-
tal coincidences caused by the pulsed nature
of the biphoton source ( 24 , 26 ), as shown in
fig. S6, indicates that fragile quantum cor-

relations remain intact during the Raman
molecular modulation process. It is impor-
tant to highlight that the system is, in prin-
Raman-active molecular degrees of freedom
or different gas species and mixtures ( 25 ).
Furthermore, because state-of-the-art ARR-
PCFs feature extraordinarily low attenuation
( 27 ) and polarization-maintaining properties
( 28 , 29 ), these fiber-based solutions might also
provide environmentally insulated transport
of the modulated biphotons, making these
quantum devices far more versatile than any
other alternative to date.
We have demonstrated that quantum mo-
lecular modulation based on SRS in gas-filled
ARR-PCFs can be used for efficient, quantum-
correlation–preserving frequency conversion
of biphoton pairs. The approach is indepen-
dent of the quality and nature of the quantum

622 6 MAY 2022•VOL 376 ISSUE 6593 science.orgSCIENCE

Fig. 1. Fiber-based Raman molecular modulation
of quantum light sources.(A) Illustration of the
nonlinear conversion process of single idler photons
from biphotons. (B) Near-field mode profile of
the pump (1064 nm) imaged by a charge-coupled
device camera and overlaid with a scanning electron
micrograph of the transverse fiber microstructure.
(Right) theoretical intensity profiles (linear scale)
of fundamental modes at the wavelengths of
the Stokes signal (1911 nm), the biphoton idler
(1425 nm), and its up-shifted anti-Stokes (894 nm)
and down-shifted Stokes (3511 nm) bands, obtained
via finite-element modeling of a perfect structure.
(C) Frequency versus wave vector diagrams at
three different pressures. To reveal the subtle
S-shaped profile, the modal propagation constants
are offset bybref¼ðÞ 2 pn=cneffðÞnref, whereneffis the
modal index atnref= 600 THz andnis the optical
frequency. The arrows represent the coherence
waves (solid) and the corresponding single-photon
transitions (dashed), which perfectly match at
~70 bar and are otherwise highly dephased. The
filled-in circles mark the zero-dispersion points.






–2.0 –1.9 –1.8 –1.7 –1.6 –1.5

80 bar 70 bar 60 bar
Pump (1064 nm)

Stokes (1911 nm)

Biphoton idler (1425 nm)

Up-shifted idler (894 nm)


50 μm

~270 nm 894 nm 1911 nm

1425 nm 3511 nm

1064 nm

Frequency (THz)

  • ref(mm–1)



Fig. 2. Pressure dependence of the quantum
conversion efficiency.(A) Conversion efficiency
as a function of gas pressure. The experimental
results (symbols) are in good agreement with
numerical simulations (dashed line) based on
Maxwell-Bloch equations. (B) Estimate of the con-
version efficiency based on the drop in idler
count rate at 1425 nm at 70 bar. When the pump
signal is unblocked after 25 s of measurement time
(shaded green area), the excited optical phonons
yield a clear drop in the idler count rate (see fig. S1
for the behavior of the up-shifted idler). Only dark
counts are registered (shaded purple area) when
all the optical signals are blocked.


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
Idler count rate (s
70% drop
Dark counts
A B Pump OFF Pump ON
Quantum conversion efficiency η (%)
Pressure (bar)

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