Molecular modulation changes photon
color while preserving quantum
cal applications ( 2 ). Quantum informatics,
quantum sensing, and quantum metrol-
ogy use specially prepared states of light
to achieve sensitivity, precision, and speed
beyond the classical limits. Quantum micro-
spectroscopy, for example, allows a more ef-
ficient and faster collection of spectroscopic
fingerprints ( 3 , 4 ) with a spatial resolution
well beyond the diffraction limit ( 5 ). Many
of these existing and potential applications
can benefit from the ability to transpose
photon states to new, distinct frequencies.
For the past 20 years, researchers have
intensified their efforts to develop prac-
tical and efficient fiber-based sources of
quantum, entangled states of light. The
next step in developing a quantum network
is to produce an efficient interface device
that can transform the photon state, for
example, to induce a shift in its frequency.
When the frequency shift is small, this can
be easily achieved with standard telecom-
munication modulators, which typically
operate at gigahertz (GHz) frequencies
and rely on refractive index modulation.
This can be done by applying an alter-
nating voltage to an electro-optic crystal
whose refractive index changes as a func-
tion of voltage. If the conversion efficiency
of such a modulator is sufficiently high,
it can convert the delicate quantum state
of light and produce an equivalent state
at a slightly different frequency. However,
if the required frequency shift is much
larger, this approach becomes impractical,
and a different method is needed.
Molecular modulation can shift the fre-
quency of entangled photons by up to 100
terahertz (THz)—10,000 times more than
the GHz range offered by crystal modula-
tors. Molecular motion produces refrac-
tive index variation, which in turn results
in phase modulation of light, where the
phase, which specifies the timing of the
wave cycle, is shifted. Molecular modula-
tors have been used to produce single-cy-
cle laser pulses ( 6 – 8 ), as well as precisely
controlled nonsinusoidal optical fields ( 9 ).
The method relies on the variability of
the bulk refractive index of a medium as
its molecules vibrate: A typical molecule
becomes more susceptible to polarization
as it is stretched. When all the molecules
inside an ensemble stretch and compress
in unison, the overall refractive index var-
ies accordingly. The basic nature of this
process, referred to as a coherent Raman
effect, has been understood for many de-
cades ( 10 ). However, a qualitatively differ-
ent phenomenon emerges when the degree
of coherence of the molecular vibrations
reaches a certain value ( 6 , 11 , 12 ). Then, the
molecular modulator can function simi-
larly to a telecom modulator, but operating
at a much higher frequency.
Typically, a modulator produces a spec-
trum of multiple modulation sidebands,
where the outgoing light contains photons
in multiple frequency bands. This is useful
for encoding a signal onto the light wave, but
if the frequency needs to be shifted to a dif-
ferent range, then a single-sideband modu-
lator must be used ( 13 , 14 ). Tyumenev et al.
achieve single-sideband conversion by using
the special dispersion properties of their
microstructured fiber (see the figure). Their
fiber has a hollow core filled with hydrogen
gas, and a cladding that surrounds the core
with a porous glass structure. The combina-
tion of the microstructure and the hydrogen
molecules provides the fiber with its unusual,
customizable photon transmission and dis-
persion characteristics, which determine
the phase delay of various frequency compo-
nents of light propagating through the fiber.
In principle, the glass microstructure and the
hydrogen gas pressure can be varied to exert
control over the relative phases of the light
waves, which determine how these waves
interact with each other and with the vibrat-
ing hydrogen molecules. This control enables
the optical frequency conversion to only one
modulation sideband. Tyumenev et al. dem-
onstrated their fiber-based modulator in a
proof-of-principle experiment using a low-
intensity quantum light source, and achieved
a 125-THz frequency change. This conversion
process is linear in the intensity of the probe
light, and therefore is expected to preserve
quantum correlations. This was verified by
the authors in their measurements of photon
correlations after the conversion.
But is there anything surprising about
this achievement? Why wouldn’t a hypo-
thetical petahertz modulator preserve the
quantum properties of modulated light in
the same way as a GHz modulator does ( 15 )?
Although in a world of spherical cows this
may indeed be expected, the picture is much
more complex in reality. Inside the molecu-
lar modulator created by Tyumenev et al.,
one of the light fields that drive the coher-
ent molecular motion is produced inside
the modulator and is seeded by quantum-
mechanical random-phased vacuum-field
fluctuations. This field is therefore noisier
compared to a perfectly well-behaved and
predictable classical field, leading to po-
tential phase uncertainties for the up-con-
verted photons. Tyumenev et al. rule out the
potentially detrimental effect of these phase
uncertainties by presenting experimental
evidence of the modulator preserving quan-
tum correlations. A tunable, highly efficient,
fiber-based frequency converter is ideal for
applications in the field of quantum infor-
mation. Thus, this latest demonstration is
an important step toward enabling practi-
cal applications in quantum-enhanced in-
formation processing and sensing. j
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Support from the Welch Foundation (grant A-1547) is grate-
fully acknowledged.
ar modulation changes photon
r modulation changes photon
hile preserving quantume preserving quantumi t
e preserving quantum
Molecular modulator
Using a hollow-core
microstructured fiber
filled with hydrogen
gas molecules that
vibrate in unison, the
device changes the
wavelength for one of
the photons while
preserving the
quantum correlations
within the pair.
Quantum entanglement
In an entangled photon pair,
the two photon states are
perfectly correlated but
individually undetermined.
However, if one of the photon
states is measured, the other
is immediately revealed.
576 6 MAY 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6593