facts’’ about transmission and in-
tervention. These are qualitative
“rules of thumb” that flow from
the quantitative output of mech-
anistic models (see the figure). It
is these qualitative understand-
ings that drive most of the scien-
tific, political, and social conver-
sation around infectious diseases
in moments of deep uncertainty.
When these accurately describe
the state of the world, such styl-
ized facts are invaluable. When
they do not, there are serious
consequences for public health
and the public’s confidence in it.
In the earliest moments of
the pandemic, when data were
sparse, modelers reached back
to the 2003 SARS outbreak to
understand whether it might be
feasible to stem the global spread
of this new—but related—patho-
gen ( 3 ). As data from Wuhan and
other early outbreaks, such as
on the Diamond Princess cruise
ship ( 4 ), became available, ana-
lysts began to estimate the value
of the basic reproduction rate R0
(the number of cases generated by one case in
a susceptible population) and its responsive-
ness to intervention through the time-vary-
ing reproduction rate, R(t). One such analysis
found that transmission rates in Wuhan de-
clined over the course of early 2020, with a
decisive dip that brought R(t) below the criti-
cal threshold of 1 after the institution of mo-
bility restrictions in February 2020 ( 5 ). This
and other analyses from the same period ( 6 )
suggested that lockdowns and other drastic
contact-limiting interventions could be ef-
fective in stemming the tide of transmission.
These insights shaped much of the global re-
sponse to SARS-CoV-2 in 2020.
Whereas early analyses were characterized
by a paucity of data, more information has
become available with each wave of the pan-
demic to suggest what might happen next.
For example, in a recent meta-analysis, the
COVID-19 Forecasting Team used data from
more than 3000 serological surveys con-
ducted in 76 countries to characterize age-
and region-specific infection fatality rates
(IFRs) associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection
( 7 ). This type of “historical” data is critical for
parameterizing models that can meaning-
fully capture spatial and demographic varia-
tion in the risks of infection and death. Such
information is critically important for cap-
turing the complex landscape of SARS-CoV-2
population immunity as the slow transition
to endemicity continues ( 8 ).
As the amount of SARS-CoV-2 data has in-
creased, newly entrenched stylized facts that
shape policy and behavior may make the re-
sponse to shifts in the pandemic less nimble.
These can ossify into “common sense” that
provides a sense of control and predictabil-
ity while actually crowding out important
new information ( 9 ). For example, a con-
sensus that emerged from years of research
and discussion that respiratory viruses did
not reliably transmit over distances greater
than the 6-foot buffer used in social distanc-
ing guidelines was used to dismiss compel-
ling observational evidence of an important
role for longer-range airborne transmission
of SARS-CoV-2 ( 10 ). As the volume of stylized
facts about SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates,
vaccine effectiveness, and IFRs continues to
grow, the risk that new pieces of conventional
wisdom will become disconnected from fast-
changing realities increases.
Mental models also fail when they narrow
the set of questions modelers think to ask:
The role of racial discrimination and eco-
nomic exploitation in amplifying the toll of
COVID-19 among those who are financially
and socially marginalized, and among people
of color subjected to racial discrimination,
was clear from the earliest moments of the
pandemic ( 11 ). But the mechanistic models
used as tools of rapid response at this time
were focused largely on the pathogen ( how
infectious is it?) and not the brutally unequal
human systems governing who is exposed
and when ( 12 ). This has sparked a wave of
new models that directly incorporate the
mechanistic drivers of social inequality in in-
fection and death ( 13 ). These al-
low quantification of the impact
of social and economic policies
on the burden of disease ( 14 ).
In the future, the rapid deploy-
ment of high-quality models that
adequately account for the joint
social and biological drivers of
infection will be critical to an-
ticipating and addressing these
inequities. This requires an im-
mediate and concerted effort to
increase socioeconomic, racial,
and geographic diversity in the
modeling workforce.
Mechanistic models have
also played a contentious role
in forecasting disease outcomes
over the short to medium term.
Although the predictive qual-
ity of disease forecasting has
increased in recent years, these
models necessarily reflect his-
tory-based assumptions about
future transmission. As a result,
even “ensemble” forecasting
approaches that use multiple
models with differing assump-
tions are often blindsided by
rare, highly consequential events such as the
emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants with dif-
fering transmission characteristics, or rapid
shifts in human behaviors, such as vaccina-
tion, masking, reduced air travel, and social
distancing ( 15 ). Splitting the difference be-
tween using as much information as possible
to suggest what might happen next, while
acknowledging and quantifying the myriad
deep uncertainties associated with a global
pandemic of an evolving pathogen, must be a
top priority of preparedness for future global
infectious disease emergencies. j
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The authors thank K. Broen, R. Naraharisetti, and R. Trangucci
for feedback on this manuscript.
Lessons, data,
surveillance data
Cases, hospitalizations,
genetic data
Social and
biological information
Survey data, severity
information, mobility
Stylized facts (Qualitative)
Rules of thumb
Overall patterns
“Flatten the curve”
Predictions (Quantitative)
Fo re ca sts
Spatial distributions
Seasonal patterns
Exponential growth
Basic reproduction number, R 0
Modeling epidemics
Epidemiological models translate quantitative data and assumptions about the
nature of infectious diseases into both qualitative “stylized facts” and quantitative
predictions that have proven to be critical drivers of the public, political, and scientific
conversation around severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
580 6 MAY 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6593