Canal Boat – July 2018

(Barré) #1 Canal Boat July 2018 27



eople who have a thing about engines
seldom do half measures: when they like
engines, they really like engines. Take the
owners of this boat, Dave Onslow and Kay
Fay. Dave bought the vintage Gardner engine which
powers Silent Waters ten years ago – and it’s been
sitting in his garage ever since, just waiting until he
was in a position to put it in a boat.
When you’ve got such a lot invested in a piece of
machinery, the boat it ends up should be pretty
special – and fortunately this one is. It’s been built by
Bourne Boat Builders, who won the Favourite Boat
title at the Crick Boat Show last year. The difference
in power plants between the two boats is about as
extreme as you can get. Last year’s boat had a hybrid
system, which meant it could travel silently using its
electric motor; the Gardner in this one (in spite of the
name Silent Waters) is so loud it can be heard about
half a mile away.

Silent Waters is built on a beautiful 66ft shell by Tim
Tyler. It’s one of his sheerline Joshers, which means
that in addition to the curvy Josher style bow, the
gunwales also have a sweeping curve which is
reflected in the cabin top, with a distinct lift at the
stern. Whichever way you look at it, this is a very
attractive shell.
There are lots of traditional touches too, such as
protruding gunwales and handrails, to mimic the
wooden ones that old working boats would have had.
There’s also a full set of rivets, big chunky dollies at
the stern, one of which also has a substantial hook,
and a couple of pigeon boxes on the roof. Dave and
Kay also insisted that the portholes, mushroom vents
and other trim should be brass rather than the more
contemporary chrome, because they like the
traditional look.
The colour scheme is classic too, with black

Price ........£160,000
Length: .....66ft
Style: .......Trad
Berths: .....2+2+2

Teddesley Road,
Staffordshire, ST19 5RH
Tel: 01785 714692



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