
(Barré) #1
known as Air Horse One. T2 Aviation, based
at Doncaster, in the UK,  ies a pair of former
FedEx 727s. The aircraft are modi ed with
spray booms to disperse oil spills at sea.
At the time of writing, there are 44
Boeing 727s in service. Even stalwart
Amerijet, which  ew pallets of catering

and other supplies from Miami on 727s to
holidaymakers in the Caribbean, retired
the type in 2018. Other than a handful
of small freight out ts, only Iran Aseman
Airlines is still  ying passengers aboard a
pair of 1980-vintage 727-228s, mostly on
domestic  ights.

With the US pulling out of the eight-
nation Iranian nuclear treaty and re-imposing
sanctions, Iran’s airlines are once again unable
to buy new aircraft, so these two aircraft may
remain in service for some time. The 727
 rst took to the air 55 years ago and its  ying
career shows no sign of ending just yet.

68 Aviation News incorporating Jets November 2018

Doncaster-based T2 Aviation currently uses a pair of ex-FedEx 727-200s, G-OSRA and G-OSRB, on oil spill dispersant work. T2 Aviation

The type continues to be used for scheduled passenger service work by Iran Aseman
Airlines, and this is expected to continue until the end of the decade at least. This example,
-200 EP-ASC, joined the airline in 1994, but was broken up for spares in May this year.

The cockpit of T2 Aviation’s
G-OSRA. Key-Craig West
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