Motor Boat & Yachting — August 2017

(WallPaper) #1

Keeping the clan happy on the water can be trickier than

you think, so set the course for one of these destinations

and the whole family will be in for a treat


nyone with a cruising boat and a
growing family has a tricky balancing
act when planning summer holidays,
especially when teens start developing
their own ideas about how they
like spending time. Skippers with
a yen to range further afield each
season usually learn that this
isn’t always the best way to keep everyone on board
fully engaged. Indeed, the most successful family
boating holidays seem to involve minimal distance
covered but plenty of variety in the activities on
offer each day.
With this in mind I have chosen three
of my favourite cruising destinations
where you can base a boat safely, enjoy
great local cruising whenever you fancy

and – crucially – have a wide choice of diversions on tap for
all ages and tastes. They are Dartmouth in the West Country,
Jersey in the Channel Islands and Bénodet in south Brittany.
Ideally, deliver your boat to the chosen base well before your
planned holiday. Then, when you escape to the boat again your
enjoyment starts from day one, without any delays or frustrations
caused by inclement passagemaking weather.
For the logistics, Dartmouth is easy to reach by road,
Jersey by air, and Bénodet is 4½ hours drive from Cherbourg
ferry terminal, three hours from St Malo and only 1¾
hours from Roscoff. Far from being an inconvenience
or chore, I find that delivery trips to and from
cruising areas provide plenty of interest and
satisfaction for those who like longer passages,
without having to involve family members
who don’t. Everyone wins, which is really
the whole object of the exercise.

Words & pictures Peter Cumberlidge

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