
(Barry) #1

The larger

bedded pig

only flicks

his ear now

and then.”

I spotted the first pigs.
These first pigs decide to
move on but the larger bedded
pig only flicks his ear now
and then and stays bedded in
the cover and shade of a large
tree and bushes.
The Yukon range finger has
the bedded pig at 38 metres
from me, the wind is in my
favour and a stalk begins.
Step by step, closing the
distance in my near-silent
boots and camouflage
clothing I am now at 14
metres from the bedded pig.
With a clear window through
the bushes for a slightly
angling heart shot,
I prepare to take the bow shot.




The Quest compound is at
full draw, aiming pin sure and
steady, it is then the trigger
release is touched off and the
three-bladed broadhead flies
to the desired point of impact
and through into the pig’s
heart area.
At impact the pig jumps
up and scampers past me to my
right and soon goes front legs
up and hits the ground
thrashing about a few times and

looks finished. The confirmed
boar travelled 28 metres from
impact of the arrow.
Mindful of a previous
charging experience when
I bow shot a huge boar,
I approached this one with care
and wind toward me amongst
cover until sure that he is
finished. Wow! What a hunt; all
of the gear has performed in
symphony together to bring off
a great result.
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