Anyway, our hunt that day
started out well, as the weather
wasn’t too bad and wind seemed
right for our planned walk.
A disappointed pair of deer
hunters rolled up back at the truck
with nothing to show but sore
bodies from a long five hour up and
down dale walk. It was mentioned
to Bruce that it often ended up this
way for me as many times my
hunts resulted in failure and the
only ones most people hear about
are the hunts where my luck has
been good. Driving to the top of
a mountain, the chairs were set up
and lunch was cooked on the little
stove, as a burger on top of
a mountain is just a great way to go.
Bruce used my Swarovski
binoculars to scan the nearby hills,
just hoping to see a deer. It didn’t
happen. Anyway deciding to head
back to the hut I stay in the truck
was packed and we set off.
Well, you wouldn’t believe it!
Just 25 metres after starting, three
deer ran across the track in front
of us. Bruce’s rifle was in the back
on the side the deer stopped to
look back. So naturally, I grabbed
the .358ME rifle and slipping out
my door, a quick aim was taken
and the boom rattled around the
hills as a deer dropped on the
spot. The 185grain ACP projectile
just flattened it. Bruce jumped
out, getting his rifle from the back
and set off after the other two that
had run down the side of the
mountain. Sneaking along slowly
well to one side, Bruce could be
seen kneeling and aiming.
Looking to where he was aiming,
there was a deer standing at the
fence and seemed to be getting
ready to jump. Sitting down and
watching through my scope,
I wondered why Bruce hadn’t shot
yet as the deer was getting really
fidgety. Seeing its tail swing up
and down and the ears drop, it
was certainly nearing the time
when it would jump, so I fired
dropping the deer on the spot
with another of those local made
ACP projectiles.
Asking Bruce why he hadn’t
fired, he said he was very hesitant
in shooting and trying to think
exactly where to shoot it, seeing as
he had only 87grain pills in his
.243. They would have done the
job and it was a shame he didn’t
fire, but the meat was needed
and the deer was about to jump,
so it just happened. Bruce was
quite happy just to see it drop
as these were the first wild deer
he had ever seen. It’s a certainty
that next time Bruce is taken for
a hunt here, I will make sure
he gets the shot as it would be
nice to see him shoot his first
red deer.