
(C. Jardin) #1

and 80% letoff. The draw-length range
is 25½"–31½", and you can get it in peak
weights of 50 lbs., 60 lbs., and 70 lbs. It’s
offered in new Mossy Oak® Bre a k-Up
Country™, Skullworks™ C a mo, Re d,
Blue, and Black. Contact: PSE Archery,
(520) 884-9065, pse-archer y.com.

Victory Archery® Offers New
Improve the back end of your Vic-
tory Archery arrows with the company’s
new Aluminum Alloy Nocks ($21.50/
dozen). Victory touts these nocks as
the strongest and most accurate on the
market. They are manufactured from

aerospace-grade, 7075 aluminum and
CNC-machined to extremely tight toler-
ances. Te result is a 15-grain precision
nock that is also nearly impervious to
wear and breakage. Victory is ofering an
aluminum alloy R-Nock for their new
R. I. P.™ arrows and a V-Nock for their
VA P™ shafs. Contact: Victory Archery,
1-866-934-6565, victoryarchery.com. ❮❮❮

YYoouu hhaavvee aa lloott ooff ooppttiioonnss oonn tthhee mmaarrkkeett ttooddaayy wwhheenn iitt ccoommeess ttoo ffoooodd pplloott pprroodduuccttss.. AAnndd wwhhiillee ssoommee ccoommppaanniieess hhaavvee ttoo ppaayy cceelleebbrriittyy
hhuunntteerrss ttoo eennddoorrssee tthheeiirr pprroodduuccttss,, ffoorrttuunnaatteellyy wwee ddoonn’’tt hhaavvee ttoo.. WWee lleett oouurr ccuussttoommeerrss ddoo tthhee ttaallkkiinngg aanndd wwee tthhiinnkk wwhhaatt rreeaall hhuunntteerrss
aaccttuuaallllyy ppuutt iinn tthhee bbaacckk ooff tthheeiirr ppiicckkuuppss iiss mmuucchh mmoorree iimmpprreessssiivvee..
IInn ffaacctt,, WWhhiitteettaaiill IInnssttiittuuttee ccuussttoommeerrss hhaavvee bbrrookkeenn mmuullttiippllee ssttaattee rreeccoorrddss,, aanndd eevveenn tthhee wwoorrlldd rreeccoorrdd uussiinngg oouurr
pprroodduuccttss.. NNooww,, nnoott aallll oouurr ccuussttoommeerrss bbrreeaakk rreeccoorrddss bbuutt tthheeyy aarree sseeeeiinngg mmoorree ddeeeerr aanndd ccoonnssiisstteennttllyy hhaarrvveessttiinngg
tthhee llaarrggeesstt bbuucckkss iinn tthheeiirr aarreeaa.. YYoouu ccaann cchhaallkk tthheessee rreessuullttss uupp ttoo oouurr rreesseeaarrcchh.. OOuurr pprroodduucctt lliinnee hhaass bbeeeenn
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  • Durable, all metal construction

  • Versatile, same jig will fletch any diameter shaft

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  • Economical

  • Helical clamps with 11º helix, right or left wing

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  • Choice of nock receiver arrangements

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