
(Elliott) #1

  1. http://www.theislander.net


Second Hand
Superyacht Spares

Professionals sharing new &
used parts globally

com (SSS) is a new and unique
website especially designed
for the superyacht industry.
SSS is the brainchild of a group
of Captains and Engineers.

com operates in a similar way
to eBay where visitors to the
site register on-line and can
then buy, sell or auction all
kinds of yacht spares
and equipment.

“The idea came to us when
one of the Captains was
searching for a GPS system
that had been discontinued.
We soon realised that
retrofitting the part was going
to cost in excess of €12,000,
as not only did we have to
source a new GPS but we also
had to update the whole of
the control panel and replace
the leatherwork surrounding
it! The original GPS on-board
only cost €600!”

“As Yacht Captains’ and I’m
sure other Captains will
empathise with this, over
the years we’ve also just
got fed up with the amount
of wastage that goes on in
yachting. For example, after
a refit, everything either
goes into a skip on the quay
or into expensive storage
where it can sit for months
and months. We thought
there must be a cleaner
and greener way to up-
cycle redundant parts and
equipment? The solution,

We all know how transient a
life in yachting can be! One
minute you’re working as a
deckhand on a yacht in the
South of France and the next
you are leaving to join another
yacht in the Caribbean. So
what do you do with all
those personal items you
have accumulated over the
months...bikes, skateboards,
TV’s? Normally, it’s not
practical to take them with
you and shipping or storage
is expensive, so SSS provides
the perfect answer. Crew can
upload and trade items free
of charge in the Crew
Classifieds section.

The website is quick and easy
to use and has been divided
into sections so searching for
the item/s you are looking for
has never been easier.

The website allows you to
upload up to 4 photographs
so you can include multiple
angles and close ups. You
can also include specification

sheets, technical data,
model numbers and date of
manufacture etc. It only takes
a few minutes to register and
upload an item.
Searching for a specific part
that is not available on the
site? Another great feature
is the Members Forum,
where you can request help
locating item/s from the wider
yachting community. Don’t
worry if it’s an old or obsolete
item, someone else might
have exactly what you are
looking for!

There is more good news...
com also offers free
advertising for all yacht
refit companies, supply
companies, contractors and
technical engineers when they
upload their spare parts and
equipment onto the site.
“Our vision for the
future is to see
become a global trading
platform available to all
superyachts from around
the world.

Whatever you are looking to
buy or sell, from an engine to
a surfboard, from a tender to
a television, register on-line,
upload and off-load!...It really
is that simple!

Hints & Tips for selling your
items successfully

  • Upload 4 photos &
    specification sheets (JPEG)

  • Detailed description
    including all technical data,
    model numbers and date of

  • Realistic asking price vs
    purchase price

Buy and Sell your used equipment


Free download pdf