
(Ben Green) #1

http://www.MS-Sportsman.com April 2015 | Mississippi Sportsman 19

late March and April. They will be on the beds on the
full and new moons this month, and might still be in
the area on the May 4 full moon when the bluegill
arrive on the beds.

  1. Trace State Park: Go to the two lakes at this
    State Park near Pontotoc for the bass fishing — but
    carry a bream pole on the trip. One of the most-
    popular small public waters in the state for bass fans,
    this lake has some wonderful shallow coves that fill
    with redear in April. The dimpled bottom of one of
    the coves is a sure sign to put down the bass gear
    and pick up a jig pole or fly
    rod and start putting a cricket
    or fly to work. I once caught
    a stringer of 25 redear in one
    pocket that weighed 24 1/
    pounds. Incredible.

  2. Tippah County Lake:
    Ounce for ounce, this state
    lake might just be the best
    redear water in the South. It
    might be difficult to match
    the state-record redear of
    3.33 pounds caught at this
    lake near Ripley in 1991, but
    it’s one of the places in Mis-
    sissippi where it is possible.
    Redear between 1 and 1 1/
    pounds are common in April.
    There are a lot of bedding
    areas, but start on the upper

  3. Tie, between all the
    other Mississippi Depart-
    ment of Wildlife, Fisheries
    and Parks state lakes: OK,
    so I am taking the easy way
    out to avoid picking another
    specific lake. But the fisheries
    biologists at the state wildlife
    agency will support me on
    this decision. Every one of the
    state lakes and state park lakes
    they manage has redear —
    lots of them. The best news is
    that one of the all-time best
    redear lakes will reopen to
    fishing in May. The 300-acre
    Lamar Bruce Lake near Tupelo
    at Saltillo was drained but
    completely restocked and
    should be productive from
    the start. ■

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CCA Events
Three of Mississippi’s seven chapters of the Coastal Conservation
Association will hold fund-raising events in the coming weeks. These
banquets and related functions are the organization’s biggest source
of revenue to fund its efforts to protect the rights of sport fishermen.
The Biloxi Bay Chapter will hold its annual banquet and $7,500 draw-
down at 6:30 p.m. on April 18. A ticket for two is $100, and includes
meals, drinks, CCA membership and an entry in the drawdown.
The Pine Belt Chapter in Hattiesburg will hold its annual banquet
April 23 at 6 p.m. at the Venue downtown. Tickets are $55 for single,
and $85 for couples and include dinner and an annual membership.
The Central Mississippi Chapter of Jackson will hold its annual ban-
quet May 1 at the Sparkman Auditorium of the Agriculture and For-
estry Museum Complex in Jackson. Single tickets are $55 and couples
tickets are $85.
For information on these events and other CCA Mississippi news,
visit the organization’s new website at http://www.cca.ms.
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