
(Ben Green) #1

http://www.MS-Sportsman.com April 2015 | Mississippi Sportsman 67

The data is also used to compile the number of gobbles and
gobblers heard per 10 hours for each week of the seven week
long hunting season. This offers an idea of when peak gobbling
was going on in each region of the state. It definitely varies
by region and it could be very important for hunters to know
when the most active gobbling weeks are in the areas where
they hunt or plan to hunt each season.
“Turkey observations are a big part of this survey data report,
too. It is important to know how many of what kinds of tur-
keys those hunters are seeing afield. Of particular value is the
number of jakes or “yearling” gobblers being seen each season.
Young turkeys with beards less than six inches long are the
future of turkey hunting. Having an idea of how many jakes
are being seen is a good piece of information for state turkey
managers to have. This helps make annual predictions and
forecasts,” says Godwin.
Though it may not be an accurate statement from a realistic
point of view considering we are discussing wildlife here, but
the number of jakes observed could also be a sign of the suc-
cessful hatch from the previous year and how many poults
survived into Jake hood. It’s just a thought.

Benefits of survey participation
For the individual hunter, becoming a member of the Spring
Gobbler Hunting Survey Team means a lot of positive benefits.
First off, hunters will be able to see the compiled data that they

contributed to at the end of the previous season. The annual
report will be available online at http://www.mdwfp.com as the data
compilation is completed, and summarized.
Next survey participant hunters will receive an individualized
report on the specific data they submitted just for themselves.
Hunters will be able to track trends in their own hunting efforts.
They will also have access to special reports and turkey hunting
and management topics highlighted throughout the year.
Survey hunter names are also entered into a special shotgun
raffle. The idea here is simply to grow the number of turkey
hunters that are willing to participate in the program. There
are other benefits to participation, too, that can be read on line.

How to join the team
It is easy to sign up to participate in the annual Spring
Gobbler Hunting Survey and it is no cost to you. Simply fill out
the application online at http://www.mdwfp.com/turkey. You will be
sent a packet of information including a survey booklet where
you record your daily hunt information.
Nearing the end of the season you will be sent a reminder let-
ter on where to return the survey booklet. It is as easy at that
and only takes a few minutes. Please help out the state’s wild
turkey program by joining the team to complete the Spring
Gobbler Hunting Survey. I think you’ll gain a measure of pride
in participating, plus the information you will get summarizing
your own hunts is certainly worth the effort alone. ■
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