
(Ben Green) #1

http://www.MS-Sportsman.com April 2015 | Mississippi Sportsman 75

smallmouths like to spawn,
and I’ll fish those with a Reel
N’ Shad by casting the lure to
the shallow water and bump-
ing it along the bottom all the
way out to 6 to 8 feet deep.
I’ll also crawl the lure along
the bottom on these points,
stopping the bait every now
and then to make sure I have
contact with the bottom.
Also, I’ll cast a Mann’s
C-4 crankbait in a crawfish
color on these points with
a medium-diving crank-
bait using a Pinnacle rod
and a 6.3:1 gear ratio reel.
Smallmouths feed on craw-
fish, plus they don’t want
crawfish getting in their beds.
The third lure I’ll fish is
a Mann’s green pumpkin
HardNose lizard rigged
Carolina style. I’ll keep my
boat in about 8 to 10 feet of
water, because many of those
main river points come out
significantly from the bank.
Before the bass go on their
beds, they’ll hold in 5- to
6-foot-deep water. So, I can
move my lure through the
areas where the bass are
spawning out to where the
bass are staging before the
You’ll also catch large-
mouths and spots on these

Fish the dam for fun
When current is being pulled
through Wilson Dam at the
headwaters of Pickwick Lake,
you can catch a wide variety
of fish — and a lot of them
— using the Reel N’ Shad on
an Alabama rig. You’ll catch
smallmouths, largemouths,
spotted bass, stripers, white
and yellow bass, hybrids, cat-
fish, drum and just about any
other fish that swims in the
tailrace. With two anglers in
a boat, you should be able to
catch a mixed bag of 25 to 50
fish per man per day. ■

Choctaw........ .220. 00....... .$2,400. 00
Copiah.......... .165. 00....... .$2,850. 00
Covington......... .7 .60....... .$4,750. 00
Covington........ .16. 50....... .$6,500. 00
Covington........ .30. 00....... .$5,000. 00
Covington........ .30. 00....... .$4,500. 00
Covington........ .98. 15....... .$2,000. 00
Forrest........... .41. 36....... .$6,047. 00
Forrest........... .60. 00....... .$5,000. 00
Forrest.......... .122. 47....... .$2,140. 00
Franklin......... .154. 00....... .$2,800. 00
Jones........... .347. 18....... .$1,150. 00
Jasper.......... .390. 50....... .$2,375. 00
Jones........... .112. 00....... .$2,150. 00
Kemper.......... .91. 00....... .$2,375. 00
Lamar............ .8 .94...... .$12,864. 00
Lamar........... .19. 00....... .$5,450. 00
Lamar........... .15. 00....... .$7,450. 00
Lamar........... .28. 00....... .$6,175. 00
Lamar........... .40. 00....... .$6,500. 00
Lamar........... .55. 00....... .$6,975. 00
Pearl River........ .40. 00....... .$3,872. 50
Pearl River....... .294. 79....... .$2,270. 00
Perry............ .15. 00....... .$2,250. 00
Perry............ .40. 00....... .$1,650. 00
Perry............ .55. 67....... .$1,925. 00

Perry............ .77. 69....... .$2,300. 00
Perry............ .88. 14....... .$1,925. 00
Perry........... .200. 00....... .$1,380. 00
Perry........... .359. 09....... .$2,000. 00
Pike............. .80. 00....... .$3,350. 00
Simpson......... .18. 03....... .$2,250. 00
Simpson........ .107. 81........ $1,960. 00
Simpson........ .164. 63....... .$2,140. 00
Walthall......... .38. 94....... .$3,445. 00
Walthall......... .52. 00....... .$3,325. 00
Walthall......... .160. 00....... .$2,550. 00
Wayne........... .61. 33....... .$2,050. 00
Wayne.......... .137. 00....... .$5,000. 00
Wayne.......... .243. 97....... .$1,635. 00

Copiah........... .300 .00........ .$2,975 .00
Forrest............ .75 .00....... .$5,000 .00
Forrest........... .242 .00....... .$3,250 .00
George........... .30 .50........ .$2,000 .00
Jasper........... .306 .00........ .$2,239 .00
Jones........... .256 .00........ .$2,730 .47
Perry............ .562 .69........ .$2,500 .00
Winston.......... .179 .74........ .$1,800 .00

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