
(Barry) #1
balance and I know that if I get
snagged I need only pull hard
(wrap the braid round a stick,
NOT your fingers) and the split
ring will snap before the braid
does. Now this is NOT a way of
saving money, that’s not the
point at all. Because I’m
confident of getting the lure
back no matter what happens,
I’m prepared to put my lure
right into the deepest, darkest
structure and that’s where the
fish are, especially the big ones!


The world of big pike fishing is
a cutthroat one. There are
people out there who would sell
their soul for a really big pike,
some who maybe already have.
Marriages have fallen by the
wayside, friendship’s shattered
and many a child has cried
themselves to sleep because
daddy hadn’t been there at their
birthday party.
It really shouldn’t be like that,

not for the sake of a few cold
slimy fish. I get criticised in
certain quarters because I’m too
open with my information and
with the help I give others, help
which sometimes results in
them catching a big fish coveted
by others. I really don’t care
much for that attitude, oh I’m
never going to put it on a plate
for you and tell you where to
cast but I’m not afraid to give
some secrets away, and maybe
make a few friends to balance
out the jealous.
I had a great day last
November with Alan Behenna
who won my auction of a day’s
fishing in aid of the England
Lure squad. I had never met
Alan before but we got on
famously and I like to think he
enjoyed my company as I did
his. We caught a few good pike,
enjoyed the glorious British
countryside, swapped a few
yarns and generally put the
world to rights. That’s how
fishing should be, even fishing
for big pike.

cracker of a pike that
took a Bulldawg cast
from a high bank – I was
five yards away from the
waters edge, hiding
behind that banking

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