SAIL - April 2015

(Romina) #1


A vertical hoist, such as with the
Lifesling, works best if the MOB is able
to assist. Various commercially made
products for MOB retrieval have been
marketed over the years. SAIL has
tested two such units that are designed
for lifting unconscious or semi-
conscious people out of the water.

Resembling a
small trawl net
with a carbon-
fiber outrigger,
the Sea Scoopa’s
leading edge is
weighted down
so that it can
be maneuvered
under the MOB.
Once captured in
the net, the MOB
is winched back aboard. “The Scoopa
is well designed and worked well dur-
ing our trials,” reported cruising editor
Charles J. Doane, adding that it was
“bulky, heavy and somewhat com-
plex” and better suited to larger boats.
The need to approach the MOB while
using the engine is also a concern.

Designed by a
British cruiser
who wanted
to be sure she
could retrieve
her husband
should he fall off
their 55-footer,
the MobMat is
basically a long sling with large hoisting
straps. Compared to the Sea Scoopa,
the MobMat is “much lighter, easier to
handle and stow, and doesn’t require
any special gear or arrangements on
deck,” according to Doane. As with the
Scoopa, you will need to maneuver
alongside the MOB to pick him up, or
drift down on him. Getting the MOB
into the sling and hoisting him aboard
was easy work.

gine must always be OFF, with the gearshift lever
in reverse to stop the prop from turning.
 If you are on an offshore racing boat, I
strongly recommend setting up the running
backstays so they terminate about 10ft off the
deck in a runner block. That way, if the runner
whip has a snap shackle on the fixed end, it

can be attached to the Lifesling with no setup
time. This allows for astonishingly fast and
easy MOB retrievals. s

Martin van Breems runs the Sound Sailing Center
in Norwalk, Connecticut. He is a highly experienced
coastal and offshore cruiser and racer.




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