
(Wang) #1

Up first is permit. Goal one is to identify possible permit spawning
locations from these interviews and conduct surveys at permit
spawning times (seven days after the full moon between March
and October) to determine if reports of large aggregations of
permit are correct.

Goal two is to determine where the permit that use these
spawning locations come from. We’ll address this using acoustic
tracking: We will capture permit on the flats and implant them
with an acoustic transmitter (aka sonic tag); we will place
acoustic receivers to listen for the tags at the identified
spawning locations. This will give us an idea of how far permit
travel to spawn, whether they use the same spawning location
each time they spawn or use multiple spawning locations and
demonstrate the connections between the flats spawning. This
information will be used by the guides and lodges to identify
spawning areas for protection.

Up next will be bonefish. Stay tuned.
If you fish in Belize and want to contribute or take part, please let
us know.

Punta Gorda, in southern Belize,
and the local permit fishing grounds.

Pancake flats are permit feeding grounds.

Guides at the National Flats Fishing Summit in Belize City.
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