Carp-Talk - 25 March 2015

(Tuis.) #1
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Resident chef Neil Stansbridge  shed
for 48 hours in peg 41 in Carp Alley
and took  ve, including two 20lb
commons. Neil used Red Bull
hookbaits on hinged sti rigs over
 ve kilos of freebies. Clinton Cooper
did a day session on peg 21 and
managed an 18lb mirror on Mainline
Cell cast to the reeds.  e biggest  sh
this week fell to the rods of Chris
Godwin, who  shed in peg 55 and
landed commons of 29lb and 21lb.
Chris  shed for 24 hours and also
lost a 30-plus mirror at the net! Dan
Ford  shed a night in peg 21 and
took a nice 19lb mirror on CC Moore
boilies  shed to the reed line. Mark
Jones  shed for 48 hours in peg 24
and landed a nice mirror of 16lb.
 e Lower Lake has been  shing
well of late, with the biggest so far
this year weighing 21lb. We will also
be running our meal-deal package
with  shing throughout the spring,
so don’t miss out.

Charlie Onslow
from Isle of
Dogs, east
London, caught
this 24lb 1oz
mirror (right)
during a 24-hour
session on
Reservoirs. Carp
Company OPM
boilies produced
the 17-year-old
student’s only
 sh of the
session, which picked up a 12mm pop-up o ered on a size 8 Korda Wide
Gape hook, a 15lb N-Trap Soft hooklink and a 3oz Distance lead.  is
was  shed at 92 yards range, 12ft o an island where he scattered
freebies using a throwing stick.


the only old Farlows  sh to be going
a little backwards in weight. Peter
‘Spotty’ Leakey, who is a massive
help at the lake, managed a cracking
 sh we have been calling Baby Ribs
at its best weight of 27lb. Adam
Luck got amongst the  sh again,
adding another upper twenty to his
tally from peg 61.
Lake One has done a shedload
of good twenties as per usual, and
so far it’s been a pretty good start to
March across the whole complex.
 e great news is that the bulk of
the big  sh haven’t even woken up
at all yet, and looking at the
average weight gains, it could be
a staggering year for our visitors.
I make no bones about saying
that Farlows o ers probably the
best chance of a 30lb carp in the
UK on a day ticket.  e big
commons have yet to make an
appearance, so it should be a
very interesting time when they
start to  nd their way to the
Lake Two is  shing well in
parts and it tends to be doing
night bites still, but as always,
whatever does get caught is
beautiful regardless of size.




David Grice from East Horsley,
Surrey, put in a  ve-hour
afternoon session on Brittens
Pond, Guildford, to take this 26lb

11oz mirror (above).  e 26-year-
old sales manager presented a
12mm ESP Tutti Twist pop-up on
a naked chod rig tied with a size 8

Korda Krank Choddy hook, a 15lb
Nash Chodlink link and a 1½oz Avid
Carp  at pear lead, and cast 50
yards to a showing  sh.



26 LB

11 OZ

A session on the River  ames produced this
20¼lb mirror (above) to Barry Ratcli from
Queenborough, Kent.  e 39-year-old  sherman
used bread and also caught a 15lb mirror.
Hookbaits were presented on bolt rigs tied with
ESP Raptor hooks and Amnesia hooklinks.

River result!

A 72-hour stint on
Hightown Lake saw
Daniel Sydes from
Southampton bank
“lots of bream” and
this 26¼lb mirror
(below). BGR boilies
was the bait chosen
by Daniel, and he
 shed at 126 yards
range on a silty spot
where he Spombed
two kilo of crushed,
halved and whole
freebies.  e
hookbait was o ered
on a helicopter rig
comprising a size 4
Korda hook, an ACE
Ghost Soft hinged
sti ink and a 4oz
distance lead.

 is 24lb 2oz common (above) was caught along with an 18lb mirror by
Laurie Sparks from Ashford, Middlesex, during a two-night session on
Yateley South Lake. Laurie, 28, used Sticky Krill boilies to tempt his  rst
Yateley carp and  shed at 100 yards range to a bar adjacent to an
overhanging tree on an island where he baited with a handful of
freebies. Mainline Peaches & Cream hookbaits (one pop-up, one wafter)
were mounted D-rig fashion on size 6 Kurv Shank
hooks, IQ2 hooklinks and Korda CoG leads.

24 LB

1 OZ

24 LB

2 OZ

26 ¼


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