
(singke) #1

64 Februar y 2015

book review


Cruising Helmsman readers would be
familiar with Jackie and Noel Parry and
their beautiful timber yacht Mariah II.
‘Of Foreign Build’ is Jackie’s second
book and documents her transition
from a young corporate woman to an
experienced bluewater sailor.
After escaping a corporate life in
England, a grief stricken Jackie heads
to Australia where she meets Noel
and they marry. As life settles into
what Jackie refers to as the “work-
for-someone-else mistake” Noel
suggests buying and living on a boat.
At first Jackie is unconvinced, until
Noel describes living on a boat as the
closest thing to freedom he has ever
experienced. After that it is only a
matter of time before Jackie agrees and
“we shed the drudgery of nine to five
The search for a suitable vessel finds
Jackie way out of her depth; however
Mariah II, a 33 foot, timber, cutter rigged
sloop, soon enters their lives, bringing
not only the anticipated freedom but also
a whole new set of challenges.
So sets the scene for Jackie Parry’s
introduction to life on the water.
Undeterred by their first failed
attempt to head offshore Jackie and
Noel regroup and set off in another
direction, embarking on a life on the
ocean and culminating several years
later in a circumnavigation of the globe.
From early days aboard Mariah
II along the east coast of Australia,
including almost smashing her within
their first few hours, this book takes

you to exotic places, with tales of
storms, avoiding pirates, larger than life
characters and run-ins with officialdom
characteristic of many cruising
stories. However, no two books about
circumnavigations are ever the same
and although cruising yachtsmen and
women may travel the same routes their
experiences and views vary.
While the usual idyllic South Pacific
Islands feature, the Parrys also detour
to experience the road (or in this case
waterway) less travelled, including
diversions through the canals of France
(where Jackie falls momentarily in love
with a dreamy Frenchman after being
hit by a car!).
‘Of Foreign Build’ documents not
only the geographical aspects of
Jackie and Noel’s circumnavigation
but also her journey of emotional and
personal development.
Jackie’s fun loving character and
sense of humour are always present.
Humorous stories of grappling with
nautical terms alternate with dark
moments struggling, overwhelmed with
grief, as Jackie learns to trust herself
and embrace happiness.
Lighter moments include tales
of Jackie proving her worth as a
sailor with inventive ways to remove
raindrops from an open can of antifoul
paint and Noel’s experience working in
a brothel in Barbados.
Jackie states that “life at sea is a
love-hate relationship, a roller coaster”.
‘Of Foreign Build’ beautifully portrays
this and, combined with Jackie’s very

personal style of writing, will have you
chuckling one moment and reaching for
a box of tissues the next.
The story is brought to life by a
selection of photos which include the
expected array of stunning tropical
islands but also surprising locations
such as the boat anchored in front of
the Statue of Liberty and on the Great
Lakes of Canada. A glossary of sailing
terms is included to assist non-sailors,
ensuring this book should appeal to
anyone who enjoys a heart-warming
adventure. This is definitely a book
sailors will enjoy!
The book is also available as a Kindle
(approximately the cost of a decent cup
of coffee). While the Kindle version
does not contain photos, these can be
viewed online.

Of foreign build

Of foreign build
Jackie Parry
RRP: $34.95

Review by Shelley Wright
Free download pdf