
(coco) #1

http://www.marinemodelmagazine.com APRIL 2015 13

SgtS’ MeSS
Here is another great little model from this company that
specialise mainly in war-game figures and equipment.

Rhine Barge
Model No.: BO 3
Scale: 1/
Length: 41.5 cm
Parts: 4 resin, 23 white metal
plus anchor chain

These types of barges were
common along the German
waterways and were massed
along the French coast in
the spring of 1940 for the
impending invasion (code
name Operation Sealion) of
Great Britain by the German
forces. They were to be
used to ferry troops and
equipment across the English
Channel, this ultimately never
happened. Some had engines but those that were not powered
were to be towed by other craft.
This kit is cast in four resin parts for the hull and deckhouse, the
small detail parts cast in white metal. There is some cleaning up of
flash and mould marks on the resin parts but this is easily done with
sanding boards and a sharp blade but be careful not to breathe in
the dust from the resin. Some filing is required on the white metal
parts as well, this is normal with these type of metal fittings from
any maker. This kit comes with a deck house but it is also available
as a non powered barge (model No. BO 5) and a tank landing barge
with a front loading ramp (BO 6). The use for these models for
dioramas is endless as they could be incorporated in any type of
scene whether it is military or civilian peacetime display.
Many thanks to Sgts’ Mess for supplying the sample model, there
are other maritime related items in their listings so check out their
complete range by visiting http://www.sgtsmess.co.uk

German Z-26 Destroyer
Model No.: 1064
Scale: 1/
Length: 37 cm
Parts: 500+ plus etched fret

Z-26 was a 1936A-Class
destroyer also known as the
Narvik-Class; this was the
early version destroyer as
several upgraded versions
followed later in the war. These were heavily armed warships
more like a cruiser than a destroyer mounting four 5.9" guns, eight
torpedo tubes, and anti-aircraft guns of various calibres and also
carried mines; a very formidable vessel. She entered service in
January 1941 and carried a crew of 336. She was in action many
times but in March 1942 she was shelled and sunk by Royal Navy
warships HMS Trinidad and HMS Eclipse with the loss of 240 of her
This is a very detailed model which is enhanced with the inclusion
of etched parts which come with the kit; it can be built as a full hull
model or a waterline version. It will look great displayed alongside
the other three model destroyers of this class that are produced by
Details of this model and the complete range of Dragon plastic
models can be found at: http://www.dragon-models.com MMI

base of Scapa Flow in the Orkneys. There she launched her
torpedoes and sank the battleship HMS Royal Oak and escaped
without detection. A victory that was short lived when fifteen
months later the U-47 was sunk with all hands by a Royal Navy
This is a great model and the interior detail is fantastic; showing
compartments containing torpedoes, diesel engines, bunks, living
quarters and control room. Further details are the conning tower,
movable hatches, rudder and crew figures. A set of highly detailed
decals are included for the instrument panels and markings.
Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model
retailers. For further details visit http://www.revell.de/en, @Revell
Germany or facebook.com/revell.

Flyhawk MoDel
Several months ago Flyhawk released a kit of the German WW
battleship SMS Lutzow. They have now released this limited
version of the kit.

SMS Lutzow 1916 + Bonus G-37 Class Grobes
Torpedo Boat
Model No.: FH1301S
Scale: 1/

Length: 30 cm
Parts: 332 plus etched fret

Torpedo Boat
Length: 11.3 cm
Parts: 42 plus etched fret and decals

The details of the Lutzow’s history were in the January issue of MMI
so I will not give them again in this month’s article. The G-37 torpedo
boat entered service in December 1914; she carried three 3.4" guns
and six torpedo tubes. She participated in the Battle of Jutland as
an escort for the battlecruiser Lutzow, during this action the Lutzow
was severely damaged and sunk, the G-37 aided the rescue of the
survivors. In November 1917 G-37 struck a mine off the coast of the
Netherlands and sank but with only the loss of four sailors.
A lovely little waterline model moulded in grey plastic which for
its size is very well detailed with excellent moulding, the etched
parts are also very finely
rendered; good eyesight
or a magnifying glass is
needed here especially for
the placement of these very
small parts. A perfect partner
for the Lutzow, a great scene
can be reproduced using
these two models.
More details of this kit and
the complete Flyhawk range
of products can be found at:
These are the detailed parts for http://www.flyhawkmodel.com
the torpedo boat

Rhine barges from Sgts’ Mess

All the parts for the Rhine barge

Dragon Z-26 destroyer (courtesy

Flyhawk Lutzow with bonus torpedo boat limited edition set

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