
(Marcin) #1


Light sector cut-off

Sectored lights are common on the
approaches to harbours, or on headlands
where rocks project in a particular direction.
The cut-offs between the coloured sectors are
marked on the chart, and when viewed from
the sea are very abrupt, making them a good
position line for navigation.

The cut-off line needs to be crossed with
another range or position line to give a fix. A
bearing on another light is ideal, or if you are
on the dipping range for one of the sectors
that will give a range. Another option is to use
your echo sounder to find the depth, correct it
for tide and cross the depth contour with the
light sector cut-off to find your position.

Light sectors have cut-offs which make good
position lines. A cross bearing gives a fix

Dipping distances are easily
calculated with almanac tables

Navigating at night

The techniques above can also be used at night providing the landmarks are lit, but
there are a couple of techniques using lighthouses which are only valid at night.

On a clear night, the
distance at which a
lighthouse beam first
becomes visible can
provide a surprisingly
accurate calculation for
your distance off. To work
it out, you need to estimate
the height of your eye
above sea level, calculate
the height of tide and find
the height of the lighthouse.
The latter is easy. On the
chart, a lighthouse will have
a legend something like
Fl(3).15s13m20M, telling us
that this a white light which
emits a group of three
flashes every 15 seconds,
has a height above Mean
High Water (MHW) of 13m
and is visible for 20 miles in
a straight line in clear
conditions. This latter figure
is of no practical use in
navigation other than giving

an idea when you
should begin to see
the light when
approaching the
shore, as it takes no
account of the Earth’s
curvature. The figure
of interest is the
height of the light
above MHW: 13m.
To calculate your
distance off, calculate
or estimate the height
of tide, subtract it
from the value for MHW
(available for the nearest
port by consulting the
almanac), and add the
result to the charted height
for the light. Estimate the
height of your eye above
sea level. Then, find the
table for calculating dipping
distance in your almanac
and cross-reference your
height of eye with the

(adjusted) height of the
light. This gives your
distance from the light.
Take a bearing on the
light, draw it on the chart
and strike off the dipping
distance with your
compasses or dividers.
The advantage of this
method is that gives a
fix from a single object.
However, it can only be
used in good visibility.

Dipping distance crossed with bearing

A special case of the running fix, this method
relies on the fact that an isosceles triangle has
two sides the same length, with the larger angle
being double the smaller ones.
To use this, pick an object which is less than or
equal to 45° off the bow. (A pelorus is a great help
with this technique, as it accurately measures
angles relative to the boat’s heading.) Note the
object’s relative bearing and its compass
bearing. Plot the compass bearing on the chart,
together with the time and the log reading.
Sail on a constant course until the angle off the
bow has doubled. Note the new compass
bearing and the log reading, and plot them on
the chart. Your position is on the position line
drawn, and your range from the object is exactly
the same as the distance logged.

  1. Running fix 8. Double the angle on the bow

If there’s only one suitable
charted object in sight, and
you can’t determine your
range using a depth contour,
given time you can find your
position using a running fix.
This is often the case at
night, when your choice of
objects from which to take
bearings are limited to those
that are lit.
This method is most
appropriate when you are

sailing more or less parallel
to the coast. Take a bearing
on the object when it is
approximately 45° on the
bow. Plot the bearing on the
chart, and mark it with the
time and the log reading.
Sail a constant compass
course for a time, typically
until the object is around
45° astern. Take another
bearing, and plot it on
the chart with the time

and log reading. Then,
from any point on the first
position line, follow the
procedure for working out
an estimated position (EP),
using your logged distance
and the predicted tidal set
and rate. From your EP,
draw a line parallel to the
first bearing. The point
where the two bearings
intersect should be your
current position.

The pelorus is used to take relative bearings,
The running fix is not particularly accurate, but provides a useful fix if landmarks are scarce useful for methods such as doubling the angle

Eight traditional ways to get a fix continued...




Bearing 1:

Bearing 2:


Bearing 1,
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